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  1. Four K Videos

    Inspire 2 1550T Propellers... 10 sets for sale

    10 sets of unused 1550T Inspire 2 propellers up for grabs in Rhode Island. $150 takes them all. I've been using the XOAR carbon props and these are all still in the plastic pouches. Thank you!
  2. Frogsby90

    Does anyone know anywhere in Dallas or Houston that has parts

    Hey, guys, I travel back and forth from Houston and Dallas and I am always looking for inspire parts that I don't have to order online. Currently looking for a pair of v2 propellers by this Wednesday and if anyone knows of somewhere near Houston or Dallas that might have them it would be...
  3. B

    Shredded one of the prop mounts...

    I have an Inspire 1 v2 and I shredded one of the prop mounts and need a replacement part. Not sure where I can get one...
  4. D

    Trouble removing "white" CCW 1345T propellers after flying?

    After flying, I am having great difficulty removing the white CCW 1345T props. I can easily remove the red CW ones with only moderate hand pressure required to turn the locking mechanism. But turning that mechanism by hand to release the white ones after a flight is just about impossible . The...
  5. P

    Looking for original Inspire 1 v1 Props for Sale

    Hi guys, does anyone has 1 o 2 pairs of the original Inspire 1 V1 props? the ones that comes with the first version of Inspire ? the ones that comes also with a separate plastick lock? I use those and need a few extras ... if anyone has them new i am interested. Thanks