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AutoLogic AutoPilot Problems

Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
Gulf Shores, Alabama
1. After we finish our flight plan in Ap we start Inspire 1 in DJI Go app to launch aircraft. We go to the altitude of first waypoint staying about 30 feet from first waypoint because we have to?

After we achieve altitude and our 30 feet of 'awayness' we switch from P mode to F mode on controller. We then launch AP app which I guess cancels the Go app. We then go through checklists and start mission/flight plan. The Inspire then flies to the first waypoint. It waits for a moment and then does a 'freak out' move. Turning 280 degrees with camera pointing where ever to get to second waypoint. We can't get a clean shot until it's well past 2nd waypoint.

What we have to do is set three waypoints to get the camera/bird oriented before it can get a good shot. The problem is we are in tight areas and don't have the room for the camera/bird to 'straighten out' We are on golf tee boxes with many trees around the tee box.

We also have to give way when switching from Go to Ap plenty of room for the freak out. What are we doing wrong? We want the bird to calmly go to it's first waypoint with the bird and camera pointing in the right direction, next waypoint, without all the spinning. Please advise.

2. We go a purple line on some holes without any NFZ around. It was erratic. Sometimes there sometimes not.

3. We had issues with the second controller not responding to joystick mode or letting us control the camera angle during flight.

4. We can land manually in AP app but not take off with it?
I am having the same problem but I can confirm that the Go app is not running at the same time in my case.
I am having the same problem but I can confirm that the Go app is not running at the same time in my case.

Try the Litchi App ... many advantages over the Autopilot App, which continues to control the drone .. whereas the Litchi App uploads a flightplan, which the drone follows autonomously. Just be careful how you program the flight, and check the waypoints carefully re. selected altitude and terrain ... easy to program a crash. Have been using and B-testing it for over a year, and very happy. Works w. Isprire, Phantom, and now the Mavic Pro ...
Has anyone had experience with Autopilot' s "Airspace "? I've followed their directions but have yet been able to get it to work. I'm using at iPhone 6s Plus and a mini pad 2. Any and all over the place would be appreciated
For the OP, sounds like you have your focus points set up wrong.

If you do your Flight Preview (i.e. The small yellow flying triangle.) in Autopilot, how does it behave on the pre-mission flight? It should fly smoothly. If it shows it stuttering about a waypoint looking at different directions before continuing on then you have something set wrong initially and most likely your focus points and/or confusing camera actions are at fault (Alternating between still and video, etc.), and maybe the Bezier curves too.

And I always shut down GO to after I verify the initial camera settings. I've had GO 4 re-activate during a flight in the background a couple of times for some reason. That program seems to have a lot of bugs in it that DJI seems slow to address, or they add new issues in the next version.
Has anyone had experience with Autopilot' s "Airspace "? I've followed their directions but have yet been able to get it to work. I'm using at iPhone 6s Plus and a mini pad 2. Any and all over the place would be appreciated
Chip, I believe there has been a known issue with Airspace and one of the recent Go updates. I spent half a morning trying and failing to get Airspace to work before giving up and looking at the AP site. I believe you can get around it by registering for Beta testing. I've done so but not tested yet.
MSM, If you are still following this.
It has been suggested to me by Autopilot to try the following:
Set the camera to point forwards, but not FPV in Go.
Then use Autopilot with no yaw.

It works but seems to be potentially limiting.

Casey53 - When I've previewed the flight in the past with yaw enabled the flight and gimbal movements appear to be as intended it was the actual flight that misbehaved.

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