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DJI going nuts??

Jan 11, 2015
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Well just got my 2 extra TB48 batteries today and wanted to order 2 more,but the price went up from €189,00 to €229,00.
Another great example of customer service!Waiting for weeks and now 20% more!
Great job DJI!
Dual controller and no harness or a charger without a powercable.Come on DJI,give me a break!
Well just got my 2 extra TB48 batteries today and wanted to order 2 more,but the price went up from €189,00 to €229,00.
Another great example of customer service!Waiting for weeks and now 20% more!
Great job DJI!
Dual controller and no harness or a charger without a powercable.Come on DJI,give me a break!
DJI prolly had nothing to do with the price increase, something in the supply chain changed that was out of their control.
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Heard from my supplier here in Holland that the price of the Inspire has also gone up with 300 Euro!!
Luckily I pre-ordered and paid already! Hopefully it arrives next week.
WHAT?? I have ordere a coupe and will arrive in two week. Nobody told me about this price incrase:eek:
Hope that you have allready paid for it so it will be the old price.Just like me.
But yesterday I picked up my 2 TB48 's and was ordering 2 more since there was another "out of stock".So Thursday was €189,00 and Friday it was €229,00
Heard from my supplier here in Holland that the price of the Inspire has also gone up with 300 Euro!!
Luckily I pre-ordered and paid already! Hopefully it arrives next week.
I'm from Holland too hansnieuw and my supplier told me this,so I checked DJI site and they raised all prices.
Seems they need more money to celebrate there New Year.
DJI prolly had nothing to do with the price increase, something in the supply chain changed that was out of their control.
Don't believe this since it's only the Inspire that prices has raised.

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