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Hot Pixels When Opening DNG Files in Lightroom and ACR

Jan 16, 2015
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I wanted to start a new thread since the other thread talking about the pixel problems was referring to files opened in Aperture. I wanted to see if anyone else that is a Lightroom user is seeing what I'm seeing when I open my RAW DNG files in Lightroom?

I'm attaching a 200% crop from Lightroom and a 200% crop from another forum member that opened my files in Aperture. They are definitely more pronounced in Aperture but definitely visible in Lightroom especially considering how many there are. In every photo I took the hot or faulty pixels are in the exact same location so this is not random noise appearing. Also I'm shooting at 100 ISO in these photos so any noise should be very minimal anyway. Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 12.31.06 AM.png Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 12.23.19 AM.png
I wanted to start a new thread since the other thread talking about the pixel problems was referring to files opened in Aperture. I wanted to see if anyone else that is a Lightroom user is seeing what I'm seeing when I open my RAW DNG files in Lightroom?

I'm attaching a 200% crop from Lightroom and a 200% crop from another forum member that opened my files in Aperture. They are definitely more pronounced in Aperture but definitely visible in Lightroom especially considering how many there are. In every photo I took the hot or faulty pixels are in the exact same location so this is not random noise appearing. Also I'm shooting at 100 ISO in these photos so any noise should be very minimal anyway. View attachment 172 View attachment 174

I have just checked a few of my DNG's in LR 5.7 and at 4:1 magnification I can not find any dead/blown/stuck pixels. None, even in areas of few details, like bare walls, blue sky, etc. Since you're using CC and LR and that's what I use as well, I definitely think there is an issue with your camera, or possibly the card that you're recording media with. Simple test, try another card. If that doesn't work, I think it might be time to talk to DJI Support.
As above, I used FastStone ans saw pixels above, then switched to LightRoom 5.7, no more red pixels or otherwise.
Thank you for your responses. I was originally using Lightroom 4 but updated to 5.7.1 last night before starting this thread hoping it would fix the problem since others had mentioned Lightroom 5 working for them but the pixel problems are still there just as with LR 4. Same with ACR. I was using the card that came with the Inspire 1 since that's the only one I had when I bought it Thursday and these photos were taken at the dealer where I bought it during the test flight. I'm getting ready to fly it this afternoon and will use a different card and see if the problems still exist. I have a feeling they will just because of the pattern not being random so to me it looks like a hot, dead or faulty pixel problem since they are always fixed in the same place from image to image.

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