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problem with sigma lens

Aug 11, 2019
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Hello! From some lists i noticed that sigma 30mm & 60mm DN ART lenses should be compatible with x5. So i bought 30mm and it its only kinda working => AF works but cant change aperture. And if i take photo screen goes black and take shot button keeps going around like it is loading. Image doesn't come back without reboot. Video record works without problem. I am using 1.08FW since i had problems with video and 3.11. app.
Hello! From some lists i noticed that sigma 30mm & 60mm DN ART lenses should be compatible with x5. So i bought 30mm and it its only kinda working => AF works but cant change aperture. And if i take photo screen goes black and take shot button keeps going around like it is loading. Image doesn't come back without reboot. Video record works without problem. I am using 1.08FW since i had problems with video and 3.11. app.
I looked at two websites, to include BH Photo (USA) and another and nowhere did I find the Sigma 30/60 mm lenses as compatible. I have some compatible lenses for my X5, the 25mm Olympus works flawlessly and is close enough to 30mm to offer a telephoto effect, without too much magnification. Out of curiosity I did a cursory search of the internet and could find no reference to anyone using your lens. And other than the 4/3 sensor/fitting I have to believe this lens does not work for the X5. But, of course I can be wrong.

On topic above is list, of course its not official in anyway.
Wonder if the author who compiled the list actually tested the lenses. Likely not, and, it just looks like an Excel spreadsheet that may have been a compilation of other lists. Sorry for problems you are having but seems to me that the lens is indeed incompatible, especially since no one on this site has responded other than my for all intents and purposes, my useless response.

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