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UAS Certification for Non-Commercial Use? (Tanzania)

Nov 16, 2015
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Hello everyone,

As countries increasingly enact legislation to control drone use, I've come across this issue now where I'm unable to bring my drone on vacation either because the destination jurisdiction's aviation regulators don't respond or require some sort of certification.

To be clear, I am a hobbyist, I don't shoot for commercial use whatsoever, and I just want to take my drone on vacation to take pictures and videos.

I'd like to bring my drone to Tanzania. I'm already aware that it is prohibited in any national parks in Tanzania, which is fine, I will not be flying in those areas.

The Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority requires:

A Light Unmanned Aircraft may only be flown in Tanzania by:
  • a) The holder of the appropriate qualification issued by one of the organizations specified in paragraph 3.7, who is operating in compliance with any limitations or conditions attached to that qualification, or
  • b) A person who is undergoing training at a RPAS Company operating under the authority of one of the organizations specified in paragraph 3.7, and who is operating in compliance with any rules, limitations, or conditions required by that organization, or the Authority
The relevant paragraph 3.7 reads:

The Authority will become involved in the certification of Unmanned Aircraft or the persons who operate them, but will accept such certification from internationally recognized bodies set up to perform these functions. The following bodies are considered acceptable and any other internationally recognized body acceptable to the Authority as an equivalent:
  • i. The British Model Flying Association
  • ii. Model Flying New Zealand
  • iii. Model Aeronautical Association of Australia
  • iv. Model Aeronautics Association of Canada
  • v. Federal Aviation Administration FAA (UAS Division Certification)
  • vi. Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)
  • vii. New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (NZ CAA)
  • viii. United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA)
  • ix. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
  • x. Civil Aviation Authority South Africa (SACAA)
Source: http://www.tcaa.go.tz/files/Air Nav...s/AIC 05 - 2017 Unmanned Aircraft Systems.pdf

Does anyone have any clue what this certification is and where I can get one if I don't live in any of the above countries? If anyone has experience going to Tanzania with a drone recently, please let me know. I understand flying is not permitted without express written approval via this application process. Most people like myself will meet all the requirements except for this "certification" requirement that's a little bit vague. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
It sounds like you have to either go to one of the "qualifying" countries and complete their process for certification or go to Tanzania and go through their certification process.

While it doesn't help you it's nice they do recognize and qualify some other country's certification processes.
What is 'the appropriate qualification' though?

The BMFA for example has achievement schemes but no 'qualifications', the UK CAA can grant a PfCO but that is not a qualification either and has no bearing on non-commercial operations...
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What is 'the appropriate qualification' though?

The BMFA for example has achievement schemes but no 'qualifications', the UK CAA can grant a PfCO but that is not a qualification either and has no bearing on non-commercial operations...

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your reply. That's exactly my confusion as well, my guess is they want to see some sort of paperwork just to show the pilot is not an idiot. Unfortunately there is no such thing short of an full-on pilot's license in my home country so I am kind of in a bind here.

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