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Jun 30, 2018
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Has anyone else found it impossible to register with DOT's MY ACCESS?
I can not verify some very simple information, I'm not sure what options I have.
In order to get access you must fill out the application and get a Declaration Letter from what ever Public Entity you are applying access for. Once that is approved you will get access.
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In order to get access you must fill out the application and get a Declaration Letter from what ever Public Entity you are applying access for. Once that is approved you will get access.

Thank you,

My Agency already has a recently approved COA, but part of that is reporting through CAPS.
Our COA was hosted through another Agency if that makes sense.

The error message from CAPS is my date of birth and home address, both of which are correct.
I used my private phone number and my actual home address.
Ah Ok, wasnt enough info to figure out what you were trying to do. Call the help desk they can usually get you going .. 866-466-5221
Exactly as Racer38 stated, your access to CAPS has to be individually approved and you are issued a unique PIN#. You must be sponsored by the Agency and prior to actual ALLOWED ACCESS you have to provide a letter from the CITY/STATE that your agency is a sub-division of. More complete information is available on our website (First Responder UAS OPS, LLC) (HOME) with copies of actual filings and background information. Below is the specific guidance that the handlers (contractors) provide to accomplish the Public Declaration Letter (PDL). They are restricted from providing a TEMPLATE; so this is as close as it gets.

Here is the guidance that they provide to accomplish the PUBLIC DECLARATION LETTER (PDL):

The FAA Legal Office has cautioned us to not provide a template since the public declaration letter must represent the understanding to the parties that are submitting them. Having said this there is some basic pieces to the declaration letter that must be present.

1. The public declaration letter is on official letterhead from a governmental entity (your department cannot self-certify your public aircraft status) who is in a position to determine that your agency is qualified to operate as a public aircraft operator (the individual should be an attorney). Hence the reason why for a public agency the City, County or State Attorney General is the appropriate party to make that declaration.

2. Your public agency is named in the letter as the agency the declaration is being made for (Please be aware that it is not uncommon for a public agency under a municipality not be qualified as a political sub-division of a state so the municipality will be the proponent for the COA).

3. That the public declaration letter references the two sections in title 49 USC (40102A(41)(C) and 40125B) so that the individual making the declaration understands that the entity is a political subdivision of the state based on these sections.

4. The Letter reference the enabling statute from your State that declares that the entity qualifies as apolitical sub division of the state for the purposes of operating as a public aircraft operator per Title 49 UASC 40102(a)(41)(c).

5. That the public agency that is requesting to operate as a public aircraft operator in compliance with Title 49 USC 40125(A) and as such will not operate for compensation or hire in compliance with Title 49 USC 40125(b).

6. The declaration letter is dated and signed by the individual making the declaration and include in the letter a point of contact from the public agency (phone and email address of that individual).

Please email a signed copy to [email protected] and a copy to

Federal Aviation Administration
Scott J. Gardner, Acting Air Traffic Manager
Unmanned Aircraft Tactical Operations, AJV-115
490 L’Enfant Plaza SW Suite 7105
Washington DC 20024

NOTE: Also e-mail a copy of the completed Declaration letter to [email protected]).

PLEASE NOTE that while the statutory list also does not contain a public works function, the FAA finds that public works projects such as the inspection and maintenance of dams, waterways, bridges, and roads may all be characterized as valid governmental functions when the projects belong to and are funded by a governmental entity, and the operations do not also constitute a commercial purpose. Similarly, a government entity may conduct a public aircraft operation using a UAS for the purpose of conducting a mandatory code inspection of a construction project. On the other hand, the more general purpose of simply observing a public works or construction project using a UAS would not qualify as a governmental function. In addition, the commercial purpose prohibition in the statute would prevent a governmental entity from charging another entity for operation of the aircraft, or if the aircraft were used in in support of a revenue-generating business that does not constitute a core function of a qualifying government entity.

Excellent information, thank you.
I too have done all that for my agency. we have county phones so IM stuck right now trying to find out how to get access to CAPS as my personal phone is on a family plan and I cannot verify who I am until there is someone with a specific private phone. So frustrating.
MyAccess uses Lexis/Nexis to verify, so some will have issues getting in. I finallly had to use my wife’s info to get access to MyAccess.

Once the declaration letter was approved with FAA legal, we then had to submit the COA registration form and I used that same MyAccess email that was my wife’s so they would link once the FAA approved that.

I then submitted the COA info last week in CAPS/MyAccess and now we wait for approval. Once approved we will follow up with a J-COA.

And I thought dealing with the IRS was bad, FAA makes that look easy!

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