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Did not record to SSD

Sep 14, 2019
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We were filming penguins in Falklands. Every time it was a 4 hour walk back and forward so we did not bring everything we normally use.
First try our we kept getting disconnect from our Cendence controller. I think this could have been caused by a coinnection problem to the antenna, it did not fit on that well.

Second try we brought the second controllers and backups etc. Now we had no issues or so we thought.
When we came home only the 1st SSD had anything recorder so we are only left with the H265 proxies.
From what I could see in the settings everything was set at record, the card was green and it was marked as 6k raw recording.

Anything we missed? Also is there an easy way to check that the SSD did record when you are in the air? I only know how to check the proxies.

On the top of the screen there are red indicators when you press record. They will show an error message if the ssd is not recording. I always test the record function before I lift off the ground. I had this happen before after changing batteries. A setting glitched in the camera settings between batteries and disabled the ssd. Sucked when it happened.
That is great to know Jerdog. I did not notice any error message, looked just like I remembered it. Will do some more tests next time I'm out to try to figure out the problem. Is it possible to actually see a list of the raw clips that have been recorder from the interface?

As far as I know you can only see the clips recorded to the SD card. The Go4 app does not access the SSD. Cheers!

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