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ESRI Drone2Map

Mar 11, 2017
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I've seen quite a few references to this PP software on other postings but no 'reviews' as such. I already use ESRI mapping software at work and the blurb for D2M suggests it will seamlessly bind with ArcMap (no surprise there) but it also implies that this synchronicity means much shorter PP times ('minutes rather than hours') and fewer hassles.

It sounds like a sensible match and there is also a 60 day free trial. So, does it live up to the promise? You are probably going to say 'try it and see' but because all our IT is sourced via a contractor it isn't that simple for me! I can make a business case for it but as this is a long and torturous process so I'd like to be reasonably sure it is worth it before I take the plunge.

So - opinions on the package please, particularly on its suitability for imagery from P4P / I1 / I2 and ease (or otherwise) of use.

Thank you.

Ive used ESRI Drone2Map, Pix4D, Agisoft Photoscan Pro, 3D Survey and Sim Active Correlator 3D.

It all really depends on what you are actually trying to achieve. What is your end result you are trying to achieve in one sentence ?
Hi bluelight

A relatively bombproof workflow for processing images; sometimes just those from the aircraft, but at times also in combination with GCPs and corrected co-ordinates; to create both mosaics and orthomosaics of an accuracy suitable for land management (i.e. not 'surveyor grade pinpoint accuracy') which ultimately end up in ArcMap for staff use.

A useful exercise - I think that just about sums it up, thanks.

All would do the job. I do like drone2map its quite fast although you have a little more control in some of the other packages. It is more integrated that the others as esri have added their usual arcgis pro isms to it. Its a rebadged pix4d with much better gui
All would do the job. I do like drone2map its quite fast although you have a little more control in some of the other packages. It is more integrated that the others as esri have added their usual arcgis pro isms to it. Its a rebadged pix4d with much better gui
Totally agree with you on the subject. I am a GIS person and have used most of these packages Pix4D and Drone2Map are my goto's

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