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Landing gear voice out of sync

Oct 19, 2019
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I’ve had a look on the forum but cannot find a fix. I’ve replaced the worm drive but when the gear is lowering the app voice says raising and vice versa. I’ve deleted the app, cleared the cache but the same thing. I’ve also used the bottom screw and moved the gear to the opposite end to try and sync but no luck. Appreciate if anyone knows a fix

I’ve had a look on the forum but cannot find a fix. I’ve replaced the worm drive but when the gear is lowering the app voice says raising and vice versa. I’ve deleted the app, cleared the cache but the same thing. I’ve also used the bottom screw and moved the gear to the opposite end to try and sync but no luck. Appreciate if anyone knows a fix

Try not using the app. Try using the lever.

Hi again Donnie. Yes even when I use the lever the voice says lowering when it’s actually raising ? Not a huge deal but would like to get it sorted buddy
Hi again Donnie. Yes even when I use the lever the voice says lowering when it’s actually raising ? Not a huge deal but would like to get it sorted buddy
For grins (just spit-ballin' here), try lowering the gear with the iPad disconnected. Then reconnect the iPad and see if this has reversed the logic.

Nope , bloody thing
Interesting problem, for sure. Unfortunately, with any Apple product, I don't really think there's any such thing as a "clean uninstall" and a "clean install." When you uninstall applications a bunch of crap gets left behind. This is evidenced by any reinstall happens much faster than the initial install. Maddening.

Have you tried to transform it to traveling mode and then back to landing?
Many times using the lever and the app. Same the app knows if it’s in travel mode correctly but the voice is 180 deg out

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