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Mapbox frustration...

Jul 10, 2019
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I am on wifi and can not load the list to download offline maps or even see that mapbox is loading at all.

All I get is a black box.
Same here. I am sure it's supposed to be a map but it's just a blackbox. I tested the return to home and it still works, but would be nice to have a map.
Thanks but.. Not using Go 4 app either. Using DJI Go with Inspire 1 Pro. Recently I have the same problem in KittyHawk.
I just got a CrystalSky and it won't load the mapbox maps through the Go 4 App. It goes to the page where you're supposed to see the world map, but it's black and hangs on a spinning circle. The info button works and the button to show what maps you've download also works.

DJI support was no help. They're supposed to get back to me.
That fixed it. I thought I was on the latest and that it would prompt me if I wasn't. Many thanks Jourdango!
Not for me. I am running the latest version and in fact may be what broke Mapbox.

Anyone how to make mapbox not look like blackbox?
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I also have this problem with DJI GO and Inspire 1.

I have CS 5.5" and 7.5", both are on firmare and the smaller have DJI GO v3.1.50 and the big one have v3.1.38.

On the 5.5" I have white map with very small region around my home and that's not updating no matter where I go, the sattelite and hybrid are doing nothing as well.
FW, DJI GO 3.1.50

On the 7.5" I have completelly black and that's it.
FW, DJI GO 3.1.38

The map in DJI GO4 is working fine on both tablets.

Any thoughts?
I think it's DJI's way of telling you to buy a newer drone. Mapbox hasn't worked for years, and no updates to the app. A good reason not to buy DJI in the future, and use Litchi instead (which has a lot more features and actually works.)
Same problem here. Everything is updated. I have 3 crystal skies that aren't working with the Inspire 2. I get a black box and can't upload anything off line on the crystal sky. no home point updated announcement either.

Does litchi work with the Inspire 2?
Same problem here. Everything is updated. I have 3 crystal skies that aren't working with the Inspire 2. I get a black box and can't upload anything off line on the crystal sky. no home point updated announcement either.

Does litchi work with the Inspire 2?
Yes, I’m using it for automated flights. You need to quit DJI Go 4 and start Litchi. Takes a little testing and use the forum for answers.
There seems to be a DJI Solution which somebody posted on another post. I got onto the online support, they now seem to be aware of the problem and they sent me a new APK for the crystal sky that is supposed to cure it.

I have the batteries charging. I should be able to test it pretty soon.
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That worked splendidly! Online chat with DJI and my mapbox is back. Now I just have to get more acquanted with flying the drone again.

There seems to be a DJI Solution which somebody posted on another post. I got onto the online support, they now seem to be aware of the problem and they sent me a new APK for the crystal sky that is supposed to cure it.

I have the batteries charging. I should be able to test it pretty soon.
Did the File work with DJI Go for the Inspire 1?
Do you have the Name of the Map File?
My CS 5.5 with DJI Go, they tols me Maps do not work and they are not going to fix it.
Did the File work with DJI Go for the Inspire 1?
Do you have the Name of the Map File?
My CS 5.5 with DJI Go, they tols me Maps do not work and they are not going to fix it.
I didn't try with the inspire 1... last time I flew it that was working or I flew it in Litchi. It worked when I flew the Inspire 2 but I didn't try the offline maps feature yet.

Unfortunately, the computer I did the upgrade on went belly up and I can't get past the dos boot screen and the file is in there somewhere.

I did a computer chat with dji support on a Sunday morning and that worked well. Might be worth a try?

I didn't try with the inspire 1... last time I flew it that was working or I flew it in Litchi. It worked when I flew the Inspire 2 but I didn't try the offline maps feature yet.

Unfortunately, the computer I did the upgrade on went belly up and I can't get past the dos boot screen and the file is in there somewhere.

I did a computer chat with dji support on a Sunday morning and that worked well. Might be worth a try?


Thanks for your kind response.
I have been working with DJI for 2-3 months now. On the phone, 3 Techs could not get it straight I was using CS with an Inspire 1. Then I got one who started texting with me. And every 2-3-4 days, we went back and forth. In the end, the folks down the hall made it clear, the Inspire 1 DJI Go will not be updated.
You see, they changed the Map company which the Inspire 2 DJI Go 4.0 has been updated. And a new Akp file will be used for their Maps. Which works great except for an Inspire 1.
Now ...
I have a CS that is beyond any Refund date, works great except for Maps. Which is still within the 1 year Warranty they will not honor.
I might open a Repair Tkt, send it in, which I have been advised to do, and hope it does not get 'Lost'.
Thank You ...
Jon ...

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