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OSX Mojave and CineLight

Feb 27, 2017
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Has anyone upgraded o Mojave that uses Cinelight?I don't want to upgrade if it's going to cause problems.
It is causing problems for me! I'm not sure if it's the graphics card Nvidia GTX680 MX on My 27" late 2012 iMac i7, but editing and viewing footage from my X5R and other camera footage is a nightmare running Mojave. I'm also editing in PPCC 2018-2019. You do need a metal card and the Nvidia GTX 680 is listed as compatible with Mojave. It is not a solid platform. And with Cinelight, I can't export anything I can view after transcoding other than DNG, all other ProRes flavors fail. Stay with High Sierra!!!!!!!
why don't you try DaVinci Resolve, you might have better results, did you use CineLight with High Sierra? or another older OS? maybe you should go back one, I guess to high Sierra also, this kinda sucks.
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I would use resolve, I’m just used to PP. I had everything working on High Sierra, then something updated and my viewing went south? All kinds of glitches and poor playback, then PP would quit every time on Launch? I couldn’t even view a preview on Cinelight. I found in Cinelight I could transcode in Adobe DNG then import into PP 2019 and transcode again to ProRes. One place I had luck with viewing in PP 2018 and 2019 was in project settings, I could chose Mercury Engine or Mercury Engine Metal, and I would get playback without PP quitting. Mercury Engine Open CL was a death trap.
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