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Seperated Matrice & Inspire - better?

Feb 21, 2018
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Just an opinion....
After some time separated, I personally find the 2 forums (Inspire & Matrice) more inconvenient and less chatter & discussions. I thought the User body benefited from both platforms. Some overlapped, some unique... cameras, Lightbridge, etc where common in many tangents. Practices in photography or projects had overlap benefit... much more so than Mavic commonality with these platforms.

Both forums "feel" less occupied, general discussions less. Going to both forums, I often want to touch on both platforms in a discussion, although knowing the "other" group may not participate or won't see the post.

Am I just a Grumpy Old Fart not liking change or have others noticed this too?
Just an opinion....
After some time separated, I personally find the 2 forums (Inspire & Matrice) more inconvenient and less chatter & discussions. I thought the User body benefited from both platforms. Some overlapped, some unique... cameras, Lightbridge, etc where common in many tangents. Practices in photography or projects had overlap benefit... much more so than Mavic commonality with these platforms.

Both forums "feel" less occupied, general discussions less. Going to both forums, I often want to touch on both platforms in a discussion, although knowing the "other" group may not participate or won't see the post.

Am I just a Grumpy Old Fart not liking change or have others noticed this too?
I agree. Upvote for having them combined again
Thanks for the feedback. A few challenges here...

In 2020, before the move, Matrice discussions represented roughly 2% of the traffic on Inspirepilots. We weren't seeing good search engine placement for matrice topics since it was buried in the inspire forum. About 90% of our new user traffic originates from search engines. With it separated, we've started picking up new matrice pilots vs just inspire guys who also have a matrice.

What you are really seeing is a decline in inspirepilots traffic. Our monthly traffic on inspirepilots.com is 1/5 of where it peaked in January of 2017. This is due to a combination of...
- Lack of interest in the platform - few new inspire releases
- Migration to other drones
- Migration to social platforms for discussions

I agree that it becomes a challenge for forums when there is a lack of new discussions. We are seeing that in a number of our communities. In this case, moving Matrice back to Inspire won't solve that problem.

What we really need is more interest in the platform, wouldn't you agree?

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Just my 2 cents...

While Inspire forum traffic is down, I honestly feel like the quality is a little better. I find that the other forums are weighed down with crash reports, "silly" questions, and pedestrian videos of bridges and the like that have been done 1,000 times. The new FPV forum is especially tough to wade through. I'm not saying that there's anything necessarily "wrong" with the content, I'm just saying that the Inspire content is a real breath of fresh air after plowing through dozens of crash reports in other forums.

The Matrice forum obviously doesn't see much traffic because they are Enterprise UAV's. Not only is there generally less ownership, but even folks like me who own them don't fly them that often. As you can imagine, the M600 Pro is a "big job" drone (mostly LIDAR jobs). And those jobs just don't come up very often.

In my humble opinion, objectively, the separation of the two forums for Search Engine Optimization makes sense. Subjectively, this may not necessarily be "better," but it does make sense.

One thing we could do is update our daily/weekly email newsletters to add a section for updated discussions vs just new discussions. Seeing an email update with just one new discussion doesn’t give users much incentive to visit.
I'd fully agree with you on traffic to the Inspire forum dropping... and probably due to lack of new models... sadly, the Inspire 2 is gaining age and may not be replaced. Was also aware the Matrice traffic was low market within the Inspire forum; although the common discussions often benefited both platforms. Some of the ideas or suggestions that spawned from Matrice or Inspire often were applicable in both platforms.

I'd disagree separating is beneficial, as indicated the density of Matrice Owners will be low in comparison to most other platforms, you may gain some traffic but the Matrice market is low population... especially the non-Govt/State Inventory. The Ownership of other platforms will often be common with Matrice Ownership... Inspire2, custom platforms, etc.

If volume is low on both, combining would be beneficial. Personally I think the problem is more "advertisment of product" is not correct. It should identify both platforms... "Professional Pilots Inspire and Matrice", "Matrice and Inspire Pilots", or similar. Personally, I'd emphasize the Matrice series as Primary.

Your Commercial Pilots Forum is similar, combining multiple sUAV platforms and services into one Collective Site. I'd suggest similar but focused to the DJI Technologies, Inspire series, Matrice series, Spreading Wings, Lightbridge, etc.

I'd also agree with @Donnie Frank on the "quality" of the site. I think the Prosumer, Professional market shares & discusses more substance in content, questions, and assistive support. I can rarely enter a post in Mavic forum without someone jumping in with an off the wall tangent, attacks or silly nonsense of immaturity. But that's probably the majority of Retail Buyers of small Mavics.

That sharing of Information is very useful, and not just focused on the Craft... more on the technique, tools acquired, software, Professional ideas, etc.

I'd suggest combining into a Forum representative of the Platforms. If Inspire platform is fading, renaming shouldn't limit the members, they'll find the new site.

NOTE: The Matrice Forum is not available in the Inspire Forum Shortcuts at bottom. It does show up in the majority of the other forums.
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In pondering... as an added thought.
The Phantom series is fading too... maybe combine the 3 Platforms into one DJI Professional Pilots - Matrice, Inspire & Phantom.

The Phantom is part Mavic population, so that may not be the best the suggestion too.

I just think a collective DJI professional site would be more useful in sharing information than multiple small sites. Helps Professionals of multiple markets using a different DJI platforms come together.

Just my 2 cents.
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Ya, you can see the challenges of building communities around a dynamic industry like this. Initially, phantoms and inspires were a world apart and now those communities could potentially be combined. Even the mavic line is quite different between the mini (not even officially considered a mavic) and the upcoming(?) mavic 3. I doubt anyone here would prefer to combine Inspirepilots with mavicpilots into one huge DJI forum as the usage (and members) are quite different.

While it is possible, it isn't easy to combine communities, nor do I think it is the best long-term solution. I'd prefer to spend that time working to increase our engagement here. Keep in mind that only about 5% of visitors to the site actually create an account and contribute - most simply lurk and leave. I might look into some tools to help encourage more engagement.

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