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0.330 FW update killed my speed.

Nov 18, 2013
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So after reading the posts here that all was good with the new 330 FW, and speed was restored, I decided to update. All in all, a very good update, BUT it killed my speed.

Before I was doing solid 70-72 kmh in GPS mode (which was a good cruising speed) now I only get 61-63 kmh, no matter what. This is just like a Phantom. So not very happy with that.

Sport mode seems ok.

What is your experience ?
In P mode, with sense and avoid enabled, the max flight speed is 34mph (approx 55kph) which I still get. In S mode you should get much higher, closer to the advertised 58mph, at the weekend in sport mode I was getting close to 50mph whilst filming autograss racing. The I2 would have gone quicker, but there wasn't room as the circuit was fairly small.

For most people 330FW seems to have brought back the speed robbed by 240FW.
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The update was good. I still get higher speeds in A mode though. With any kind of tail wind I'm clicking 70+ mph on a regular basis.

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