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480gb cinessd shows 120gb

Jul 21, 2019
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Anyone having this problem, I have a 480gb cine ssd that only shows 120gb.
I tried it on a Mac and a pc same result.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Anyone having this problem, I have a 480gb cine ssd that only shows 120gb.
I tried it on a Mac and a pc same result.
Any help would be appreciated.
Incorrect volume reporting is usually a sign of a bad SSD. At least one person on here is going to tell you to reformat the drive, so I'll beat them to it. I don't know how computer savvy you are but there are many options for formatting a drive. And while some might recommend formatting via the drone, it's been my experience that DJI drones don't do low-level formatting. Formatting is more a tool for troubleshooting than a fix. If the drive won't format in Windows, chances are there is an issue with the drive itself.

I don't own a RAW camera so I don't have first-hand experience with this, but I DO have a lot of experience troubleshooting and replacing SSD's. Unlike HDD's that can die slowly, SSD's tend to die instantly - one minute they work, the next they don't.

Also, if the SSD is in a housing, there's a good chance that there may be a problem with the front-end electronics. So best to isolate the SSD from any housing or front-end interfaces to check for sure.

Good luck.

I tried a low level sector scan, it said 111gb usable space, no bad sectors.
Same size as a 120gb unit.
Is it possible the cine ssd could be dismantled and a smaller memory unit installed inside the larger unit case?
I tried a low level sector scan, it said 111gb usable space, no bad sectors.
Same size as a 120gb unit.
Is it possible the cine ssd could be dismantled and a smaller memory unit installed inside the larger unit case?
It's hard to say. What does Disk Manager say? You should post a screen shot of the disk in Disk Manager: In the Run Dialog box, type "diskmgmt.msc". This will paint a clear picture of the disk's partition and file structure.

I tried a low level sector scan, it said 111gb usable space, no bad sectors.
Same size as a 120gb unit.
Is it possible the cine ssd could be dismantled and a smaller memory unit installed inside the larger unit case?
Off-hand, I would say "yes" with a lot of confidence. It's probably a couple screws to take the housing apart. But to be sure, you should screen capture the drive in Disk Manager to make sure that the drive hasn't been partitioned incorrectly.


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