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Another I2 falling out of the sky

Dec 10, 2016
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Has anyone heard about this? Any thoughts?
Hate these types of videos.. always worries me..

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Has anyone heard about this? Any thoughts?
Hate these types of videos.. always worries me..

These individuals will fly down to way too low percentages of battery so not unexpected.
A Lipo discharge curve is virtually flat until it finally falls off the plateau like a rock.
These inexperienced flyers are not flying by pack voltage but the totally inaccurate percentage gauge. They then cry when their new toy drops because they pushed it too hard.
In thirty years of flying RC I have never had a crash because I pushed the pack too hard/low. Before telemetry I would fly by timing and measuring how many mAh I put back in the pack. When telemetry came along, I have always flown by pack voltage.
I have crashed for other reasons :cool: but never over stretching a flight pack.
These individuals will fly down to way too low percentages of battery so not unexpected.
A Lipo discharge curve is flat until it finally falls off the plateau like a rock.
These inexperienced flyers are not flying by pack voltage but the totally inaccurate percentage gauge. They then cry when their new toy drops because they pushed it to hard.
In thirty years of flying RC I have never had a crash because I pushed the pack too hard/low. Before telemetry I would fly by timing and measuring how many mAh I put back in the pack. When telemetry came along, I have always flown by pack voltage.
I have crashed for other reasons :cool: but never over stretching a flight pack.

Completely on point. You the man. :cool:

Get to know your voltage metering. Doesn't take long to understand your different voltage readouts and gauge flight time. You'll be happy that you have.
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You don't have to ding the guy right out of the gate! Wait until you think you have done the right thing & it fails!!! I am sure this has nothing to do with all of them! Give the guy a break! I am still on the sidelines with the Inspire 2! Some of it has issues!

Cheers, Jon
You don't have to ding the guy right out of the gate! Wait until you think you have done the right thing & it fails!!! I am sure this has nothing to do with all of them! Give the guy a break! I am still on the sidelines with the Inspire 2! Some of it has issues!

Cheers, Jon

This is a 10 minute video almost, and 39 seconds in he admits HIS MISTAKE (whether he was aware or not), and at 45 seconds he backs up HIS MISTAKE by confirming he was running at 12%, also not mentioning voltage.

No, idiots like this shouldn't be allowed to own anything larger than an x4.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using InspirePilots mobile app
Well I hope your covered when you calibrate you batteries!

This is a 10 minute video almost, and 39 seconds in he admits HIS MISTAKE (whether he was aware or not), and at 45 seconds he backs up HIS MISTAKE by confirming he was running at 12%, also not mentioning voltage.

No, idiots like this shouldn't be allowed to own anything larger than an x4.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using InspirePilots mobile app

Well I hope your covered when you calibrate or stress your batteries a little! Not everybody that spends $4,000 on a drone is an idiot! From his other videos he's not an idiot! Where do you get your experience & knowledge from to call this guy an idiot! You have never had problems? This was a video that actually helps a lot of us out there ... saying "it can happen to you". Then the knowledge that parts are not available is another helpful tip! I like it when people like this post a video about their experience! What do you post to help people?

Cheers, Jon
We don't need this guy crying like it's DJI'S fault he doesn't understand power.

It's been covered in the instructions from the manufacturer, youtube tutorials, etc. Not to fly that low...
Also, it's common knowledge in RC circles.

Also, it should be pretty widely known a product just released to market wouldn't have many repair parts available.

The widespread availability and lowering costs let too many people that don't understand the basics risk life and property.

And people like you support them... this kind of crap is why we have broken "laws' meant to keep people safe, and in the process making it hard for the professionals and responsible hobbyists to fly and make money.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using InspirePilots mobile app
Holy crap .... why so violent? He did admit fault! You have never hovered you craft at 12% or lower? He didn't even say anything bad about DJI! You look like your either new to this or you have a bone to pick? He is not the bad guy & neither is DJI! It's a new product! Early stages after release we depend on people like him to express caution! He is trying to help the community! Did you ask him any questions that would lead you to believe he is an idiot! Where are all your videos that will help this community? What are you doing?

Cheers, Jon
I understand all about adopting new technology early, trust me... but it still sounds like you're standing up for a guy doing something risky and paying the price.

It wasn't an attack at him, the OP asked what we thought of reports like this... they don't help besides letting some of us know that stupidity brings most of these birds down.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using InspirePilots mobile app
Anything you have shared that would help this guy? You just assume he's lying about something. I think the guy is completely above board & only trying to help others. Hovering in the backyard at 12% is not risky!

You're knew here like I am, try and be civil & have some concern for others!

Cheers, Jon
DJI says to run the battery down to 8% or until it shuts off .... I normally land at 10% & try to run it down to 8% ..... you don't own one do you?

Cheers, Jon
Where does it say that?
Why would the company tell you to run an up to 6k UAS until it shuts off?
You don't know the first thing about batteries.

And yes, I own one... and I'm one of the few that's already got a range extender and a few other tricks, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.

I'm done here, as I made a reasonable response, and then was attacked by you, who has now shown their cards as uninformed.

Have fun killing batteries, hopefully you don't kill any people doing stupid stuff.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using InspirePilots mobile app
Range extender for illegal flights? I never attacked you. I am just trying to find out why you would attack someone you know nothing about! He has much more credibility than you at this moment! In the book read it!

They are not supposed to drop at 12% at 6 feet!

Cheers, Jon
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