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Battery connection to center board failed

Feb 3, 2015
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Solution: Hardware malfunction contact customer service for repairing.

I have screenshot of error. I switched to a different battery and I1 spooled up just fine. This was 2nd flight on a new 5700
Must be a firmware thing.. but none of my batteries are working now. And none seem to accept the firmware upgrade.. I just get a long beep.
Hi Spackletoe — I just got this error today. I'm supposed to shoot in 8 hours and I can't fly! Did you figure out a fix??? Please let me know as soon as you can!
Solution: Hardware malfunction contact customer service for repairing.

I have screenshot of error. I switched to a different battery and I1 spooled up just fine. This was 2nd flight on a new 5700
Please contact Dji 24/7 tech support and please report back the outcome.
Don't stress. I'm sure it'll be an easy fix.
Battery connection to the center board has failed. Here's what happened to me on a TB47. I plugged the fully charged TB47 battery into the Inspire 1 and it immediately turned on and started beeping, the gyro spun up and the tail light was flashing red. This all continued as the top of the battery began to get very warm. I had connection to the transmitter and the camera was functioning then the following appeared on the DJI application on my ipad "Battery connection to the center board has failed". I tried to upgrade the firmware but the text file kept coming up "failed". I removed the top of the battery and disconnected the cable in an attempt to reset the battery controller board. I left the cable off for about 5 minutes put it all back together but it did not help. It looks as though this is a factory return/exchange if you are experiencing this error on one of your batteries. There is an issue on the battery controller board.

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