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Be Carefull

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May 17, 2015
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I was flying my inspire one Saturday night, after download the last firmware update calibration etc etc flown fine for like an hour or more, use 2 was on my third batteries etc, went up to 1500 ft and then start to come down fine for like 1200 ft then for some unexplained reason the light went out the only light that i was able to see it was battery light blinking inspire one just shuts off and fell in to the grass :( For some reason with the throttle down for descend it shut it off... I still don't understand why if it was in fly will be possibly that the altitude or vertical sensors had failed and send the wrong signal making think it was in the ground it should not turn off in fly no way...would this possible be a bug from the last firmware update...?
Any damage? Definitely got the logs from that flight. DJI will want to see them if there is damage and it needs to be covered under Warrenty.
how did u descend? what stick position did you use?
only left stick down should be no problem. BUT, left stick 7 and right stick 5 o'clock then motors will shut down dame with stick position left stick 5 and right stick 7 o'clock...
how did u descend? what stick position did you use?
only left stick down should be no problem. BUT, left stick 7 and right stick 5 o'clock then motors will shut down dame with stick position left stick 5 and right stick 7 o'clock...

did descend only left stick 6... it still does it now i recover the inspire one remove propellers id does come on how ever when left stick go to down to 6 is shuts motors down ...
Any damage? Definitely got the logs from that flight. DJI will want to see them if there is damage and it needs to be covered under Warrenty.
yea they are mayor damages to it...:(
Red light flashing sounds like a battery warning.... Are you sure your battery was OK?
well,that should not happen then... there is a theead regarding this but it says in the manual when dou put the sticks in either direction midflight it shuts off only then... i descend left stick 6 and it does not shut down... must be some bug then... ****... sorry to hear your loss...hope dji will come up for it...
I was flying my inspire one Saturday night, after download the last firmware update calibration etc etc flown fine for like an hour or more, use 2 was on my third batteries etc, went up to 1500 ft and then start to come down fine for like 1200 ft then for some unexplained reason the light went out the only light that i was able to see it was battery light blinking inspire one just shuts off and fell in to the grass :( For some reason with the throttle down for descend it shut it off... I still don't understand why if it was in fly will be possibly that the altitude or vertical sensors had failed and send the wrong signal making think it was in the ground it should not turn off in fly no way...would this possible be a bug from the last firmware update...?

How were you able to take your I1 up to `1500 feet? The max alt is 500 right?
You were in airspace used by manned Aircraft
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How were you able to take your I1 up to `1500 feet? The max alt is 500 right?
You were in airspace used by manned Aircraft
the maximun fly altitude is 500 Meters equals to 1500 ft yea u are right
I am going to make a stab at this but if I can recall there is an option on the app to turn the vertical sonar off.

I wonder if it was turned off. If it was then it might be an easier explanation on why it did what it did.
I am going to make a stab at this but if I can recall there is an option on the app to turn the vertical sonar off.

I wonder if it was turned off. If it was then it might be an easier explanation on why it did what it did.
vertical sonar switching off??? is that on iOS or in android... if in android please explain where it can be found...
There isn't. You can turn off the automatic landing gear, but not the sonar.
Exactly I did not see anything about the vertical Sonar...
im looking and don't see it

I believe is titled,"Enable Vision Positioning System".

If I understand DJI's marketing statement here, "You can take off and land at the press of a button and keep your Inspire 1 steady indoors or when GPS satellites can’t be acquired with the new DJI Vision Positioning System."

That is the sonar feature.
I believe is titled,"Enable Vision Positioning System".

If I understand DJI's marketing statement here, "You can take off and land at the press of a button and keep your Inspire 1 steady indoors or when GPS satellites can’t be acquired with the new DJI Vision Positioning System."

That is the sonar feature.
Yeap is there, but in not way this should allow the throttle to turn the inspire one off while in fly and descending don't u think...? how ever i was not flying in doors anyway
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