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Can anyone 'donate' some raw Log mode footage?

May 11, 2015
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Hi there,
I just joined the forum!
Wondering if anyone can help... I work in broadcast television and have used S900's and Phantom's - and I'm really liking the Inspire 1 set up. Before I pull the trigger on one, I'd love to get my hands on some raw Log footage shot with nothing on auto to do some grade tests and see how well it matches up to my ground cameras.
Anyone care to donate and stick some footage in a Drop Box or something? Happy to post my results on here if anyone's interested.


Hi there Rocaflix,

i had trouble trying to find some footage before buying my inspire.

i have to say that i find the image quality extremely disappointing. The frame compression is really low for all the video options (4K, 1080p, etc...) so you get really wired artifacts on the image.

please feel free to check this files:

This is a clip from the inspire 1. Non transcoded or anything. just trimmed with quicktime.
notice the artifacts on the green.

the settings were: LOG, Sharpen -1, Contrast 0, Sat 0. WB: Daylight.

This is a crop from the same clip so you can see clearly the artifacts i´m talking about:

This is another clip i´ve made flying yesterday:

Settings were: LOG, Sharpness -2, Contrast -1, Sat -1 WB: Daylight

Hope it helps.

Please share your thoughts and, of course, feel free to let me know if you have any more questions.

Ah, i´ve forgot, there´s a new software update which is supposed to help with the moire and the inspire 1 camera BUT i hadn't installed it because seems to create some issues, flyaways, etc... and i can't risk crashing. Also i read in some forums that the change in the image quality was not that big.

So...my current firmware is:

Again, hope it helps :)
Awesome! Thanks so much!

I'll have a play with the footage later on.

You said "extremely disappointing" with the image quality.... Does that mean 'regret buying it' ??
well.... you see... i remember looking for some Inspire 1 4K footage on youtube to compare with other drone/camera options available and i found a video where someone compared side by side i1 camera and hero4 mounted on a phantom gymbal. He concluded the i1 camera was better than the gopro... And i remember thinking that the comparison was not well made (both cameras on auto, etc...)

Well, i can say that the camera on inspire is awesome and suitable for a lot of jobs except for one thing.... the compression... its really awful.... i don't know which kind of production job you guys do BUT for me is like on the border of valid, not valid.

I know that if i go with this footage to a production company shooting a high end corporate video they probably will say its not valid. And of course is not valid for high end tv commercial or any kind of filming (movies, etc..) since all of that is being made now with multirrotors carrying RED camera or so.
I´m still trying different camera configurations but i believe that i can use the i1 in some of my productions and also i´m hoping that they will release another firmware update to increase the bitrate (i can't believe that the hardware can't give more, am i being too optimistic?).
I must say to you that 60.0 Mbps is only for 4K mode, if you change to 1080p the camera goes down to 25 Mbps. Isn't that absurd?

Well... so, as you can see, i don't have a straght answer about regrets, i´m still analyzing it.
(i bought mine a 5 days ago. 8 flights till today)

Also... i must say.. on other hand i LOVE how it flies, its awesome!! :)
Hi there Rocaflix,

i had trouble trying to find some footage before buying my inspire.

i have to say that i find the image quality extremely disappointing. The frame compression is really low for all the video options (4K, 1080p, etc...) so you get really wired artifacts on the image.

please feel free to check this files:

This is a clip from the inspire 1. Non transcoded or anything. just trimmed with quicktime.
notice the artifacts on the green.

the settings were: LOG, Sharpen -1, Contrast 0, Sat 0. WB: Daylight.

This is a crop from the same clip so you can see clearly the artifacts i´m talking about:

This is another clip i´ve made flying yesterday:

Settings were: LOG, Sharpness -2, Contrast -1, Sat -1 WB: Daylight

Hope it helps.

Please share your thoughts and, of course, feel free to let me know if you have any more questions.

Ah, i´ve forgot, there´s a new software update which is supposed to help with the moire and the inspire 1 camera BUT i hadn't installed it because seems to create some issues, flyaways, etc... and i can't risk crashing. Also i read in some forums that the change in the image quality was not that big.

So...my current firmware is:

Again, hope it helps :)

Thanks for making these available... I have a P2 with gimble and Hero4.. I am also on the fence whether to buy an inspire or wait a few months until the Hero5 comes out or DJI makes a better camera.. Right now, I am not seeing a good reason to spend the money on an inspire when I can get the same footage with less compression noise from the H4..

Personally, I have a feeling that DJI will be bringing out a new Inspire Camera.. We will see.
Hey Jeff,
Thing is both the Inspire and the Hero 4 came out around November last year... the EARLIEST either would release anything new is late Q4 this year - and I think that's being very optimistic. They're not as prolific with releases as say Apple are.
The capability of changing settings in the air is such a massive bonus.
Gonna keep hunting for more Log footage to grade to see how it looks.
Well, if you want to check more clips... i´m uploading few more. Same location, different moment of the day, different settings.

All of them in this folder, feel free to download them (i´ll leave them there for few days since they are 1.2GB):


*The dawn shots are a little underexposed. I didn't check the histogram and exposed with the ipad screen, rookie mistake i know.. :)
also, i´ll keep test flying this week. If you want anything in particular, let me know.

I have 8 days left till i loose the option of returning it, so im up to any test that might help to decide.
I must say to you that 60.0 Mbps is only for 4K mode, if you change to 1080p the camera goes down to 25 Mbps. Isn't that absurd?
Hey pahl, where did you get this stat? Are you sure? DJI just says "Max bitrate 60mbps". Some say 1080p is at 40mbps.

I'm running latest FW, shooting -2 sharpness, -3 contrast, -3 saturation and log color. I'm not a huge fan of the image quality either and feel my HERO 4 black gave a much better quality picture if you disregard the soul-destroying auto-exposure problems.
Hi Ferdi,

well i don't remenber right now but i´ve read a lot of posts before buying the i1 and also downloaded few raw files from some user.
Honestly the 1080p videos i made with my i1 are 50fps and yes, they are 40mbps. Probably 25mbps are the 25fps ones... i´ll check that later to confirm it.

Regarding the Hero 4.... I have another drone with the hero3+ and replaced lens (to give more natural perspective) and i used a plugin that eliminated/smoothed the flick from the exposure changes. It´s not like having full manual exposure but its something.. :)
Hey Jeff,
Thing is both the Inspire and the Hero 4 came out around November last year... the EARLIEST either would release anything new is late Q4 this year - and I think that's being very optimistic. They're not as prolific with releases as say Apple are.
The capability of changing settings in the air is such a massive bonus.
Gonna keep hunting for more Log footage to grade to see how it looks.

There are other drone manufacturers that might be bringing out a platform that will give remote control of the Hero4.. Whether their drone will be as good of a platform as the DJI drones, we will see.. GoPro announced that the Hero 5 is targeted for October release.. Rumors of 8k, two interchangeable lenses, blah blah...

My p2 and H4 Zenmuse shoot pretty **** good.. The Zenmuse h4-3d is solid, auto exposure sucks, having to sift through all the transitional footage sucks, Not being able to set ISO to 100 is a bummer, but the image quality is great, I can use Fisheye if I want, or just shoot 30-60P in 2.7k in MED... 1080p footage rocks, no over sharpening, Moire' or compression noise.

I have been so close to pulling the trigger on an inspire in the last 4 days.. I just don't want to regret it, when a better option comes out...

I also put some thought into the S series drones.. Only problem is, that it would need to be the S1000, since my kit is NIKON...

We will see..
also, i´ll keep test flying this week. If you want anything in particular, let me know.

I have 8 days left till i loose the option of returning it, so im up to any test that might help to decide.

Hi pahl,

Thanks for the offer.

Can you do some bracketing tests on a static camera? No need to to fly it.. I am interested in looking at the dynamic range.

Please set the camera up so you are getting LOG and as close to a raw sensor data as you can.

Come to think of it. If DJI just released another Zenmuse Gimble that attached to the Inspire, used it's Lightbridge, was generic enough that you could mount any small action camera with adjustable counterweight rails... Then you would have a platform that you could grow with.. I would have my cake and eat it too..

Hey Pahl, thanks for putting up more footage!
Will have play with it and get back to you.

Thanks.. pahl

Its been busy.. I just had the time to download your files..

In log mode, are you able to completely turn off sharpening and just get the raw image? Or are you still stuck with the inspire camera doing sharpening post via the sharpening adjustment wheel?

Just pulled up your shots in Adobe PS..

I'm seeing a lot of compression artifacts (Noise) everywhere and surprisingly more than I would expect in the Grass in the foreground and at 100ISO. Is the Inspire native ISO 100 or could it possibly be 400? Have you found a solution to shoot without getting all the noise?

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Hi there,

well...the pilot app has several buttons that selects several camera options:

- Image format
- Image Size
- White balance
- Video Size
- Style
- Color

(you can already see that in the app even if you don't have the i1)

So.. the "Style" button is the one with the sharpness, contrast and saturation slider (under "custom" sub menu)
AND the color button is the one with the LOG mode option

So, they are different and independent choices. You always have to select any "Style" for the LOG "color" option. That style could be "custom" or anyone of the other options (standard, Landscape, soft...)

I hope i explained myself properly. Again, english is not my mother language. :)
Please let me know if you need more details.

About the noise... I don't now the native ISO for this camera, and until now i was more focused on trying the video modes and its quality.
Also, that was a sunset, so i´ll try to make another burst on my next midday flight.

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