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Converting A2/A3 Flight Logs

Feb 28, 2017
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Hey everyone,

I'm part of a team building an A2/A3 flight log converter and we're pretty close to cracking the code. Does anyone have A2 or A3 flight logs they'd be willing to share? We only have a few right now and having more would really speed up the process. More than willing to share the final product with the InspirePilots community.

If you do have logs, Google Drive is probably the easiest form of sharing. But whatever is easiest will work.

@ringolong this looks perfect - thanks for the help.

If they're not A2 logs, do you have an idea of what else they could be?
@ringolong unfortunately, I believe the links for the file downloads are broken - I get a 404 error when clicking on them. Do you happen to have another way I can access those files?
My bad. I added the mime type to iis.

Could have been from naza lite, v2, phantom(s), or inspire 1, but most likely the A2.
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You're awesome - the files work. If you're curious, I'll share the converter once we're done.
I believe we're writing a Python script to decode the file. But as a disclaimer I'm not the one doing the actual decoding so I'm not 100% sure.
There is a library out there that will decode them. It is written in nodejs if I remember correctly.

I was going to port it to c#, but never found the time.
I'm familiar with the one you're talking about. If I'm not mistaken, that nodejs program decodes the old DJI .txt files but has issues with the newer .txt files as well as .dat files.

Do you have the link? Maybe we missed something upon our initial run-through.

In any case, it seems we're close to doing it on our own and at this point might be the fastest route instead of leveraging other programs.
I don't, but there was a guy over on the phantom forums explaining how to decode them.
@RobertoMFS the project's going well. Looks like the A3 logs are in a much more similar format to the .txt files outputted by a Phantom, Inspire, etc. so they were easier for us to crack than the A2.

We're putting the finishing touches and over the next couple days you'll be able to upload A3 logs directly to dashboard.nvdrones.com to view the data output.

Let me know if you have any questions. You can email me as well [email protected].
Awesome. The more the merrier so we can test.

If you email me I'll also give you a personal heads up once the direct upload feature goes live.
@RobertoMFS we've now deployed the ability to upload A3 flight logs to dashboard.nvdrones.com. Feel free to test it out and give us your feedback!

We're storing a lot of flight data on the back-end that we're not displaying yet. Right now it's mainly GPS location and altitude throughout the flight. Over the coming weeks we'll be pushing out functionality to display various drone sensor data that we're getting from the A3 logs.

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