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Didn't see those wires

On the day I had my first incident of flying sideways into a tree and losing 1.5 inches from the tip of one of the blades of one prop I also came so f*cking close to hitting wires -- I mean I couldn't have missed them by more than an angstrom. As it turns out, this lesson wasn't nearly as expensive as it could have been and it smacked some sense into me. So, in the long run, probably a good thing. Total cost was one bad prop.

Hey, at least your handle isn't "Auger-In"

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You were soooooooo lucky there!
That's why I ALWAYS do a site survey at every flying site - for precisely things like that. :eek:

Glad that didn't end in a wallet raiding mess.
Ya, very stupid of me not to do a site survey. Just stopped by the stables on the way to fly, and my friend was going out for a training spin around the 1 mile track and suggested I fly and film him. So, I stand in the shade of a big Oak and couldn't see the wires, about a 1/4 mile away..
I'll upload later today my near miss -- actually there was a near miss with the wires and then I hit the tree. Lucky to get out with only a single prop. Explain more when I post it...

Holy crap; did you poop your pants?

No, but I did throw up in my mouth a little bit! :eek:

Actually, when something like this happens you don't have time to sweat it until the birds on the ground.

While flying I did not see the wires but as I flew over them I saw a flash but didn't know what it was until I reviewed the footage. The impact with the tree was obvious by the quick tilt and I also saw, too late as it turns out, some of the branches.

Going strait up probably saved my bird and getting it on the ground within 76 seconds reduced the chance that the unbalanced prop would shake something loose or do other damage.

But, yeah, I was lucky...


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