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Finally! My Smart Powercharge Is Here!!!

May 7, 2014
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So it has finally arrived, shipped directly from the factory in China! Initial impressions is that it's a quality product all over! Sturdy metal cabinet with clear displays, solid buttons and overall battery trays and USB and DC outlets of high quality. I live in Norway and am happy to see that it came with a standard mains lead suitable for my part of the world. Now I have to go and take my Inspire for a spin in order for me to have some batteries to charge. Update will follow. In the mean time, here's a couple of picture of this wonderful machine. So far I think it's worth the money spent.



Hurray, I didn't miss the FedEx delivery after all. The truck just rolled up. I sprinted down the stairs so he didn't get away. He had just placed the box on my door step. Couldn't wait to get it inside and open it. I expected it to be a larger unit than it is. I am pleased with how compact it is. I also saw the USB designated for future FW upgrades. I always appreciate upgradeability in a product. Two cords for Transmitter charging (even though I only have one, it's nice to know I have a spare in case I upgrade). And now I can do that pesky battery cycling that's so important without putting any undue duty on the Inspire ! aircraft. Very pleased!
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I paid 399. Question though: When I try to deep cycle these batteries, the online manual says to turn the batteries on first and then press the button and it will blink red when it is in deep cycle mode. I"m only getting a solid red when i plug in the batteries whether the batteries are on or off. Are you all seeing the same results?
So it has finally arrived, shipped directly from the factory in China! Initial impressions is that it's a quality product all over! Sturdy metal cabinet with clear displays, solid buttons and overall battery trays and USB and DC outlets of high quality. I live in Norway and am happy to see that it came with a standard mains lead suitable for my part of the world. Now I have to go and take my Inspire for a spin in order for me to have some batteries to charge. Update will follow. In the mean time, here's a couple of picture of this wonderful machine. So far I think it's worth the money spent.

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View attachment 2273

View attachment 2274

Can I borrow a few 18650's?
And now for an update on my Smart Powercharge!

I took my Inspire out for some flying today in order to have some depleted batteries to charge with my new Powercharge. As soon as I got home I put the charger to work: Inserted four batteries (3 TB47 and 1 TB48), the remote and my iPad Mini 3. Then I happily ate dinner. I have three observations regarding the Powercharge (none of the negative):

1. It's larger than I expected from the pictures
2. The internal fan is not noiseless
3. This unit literally does the job 5 times as fast as it would be with the one original DJI charger

To me that makes it worth the price.

Here's some pics:

Powercharge-4.jpg Powercharge-8.jpg

Powercharge-4.jpg Working...


Jobs done!
Guess one of these would be fine for a professional application, but for the hobby type flyer/video'er.... two chargers work for me......... at least if one packs up its a cheap replacement
I agree. I am not in that level yet thus why I am holding back but it would be an awesome addition with a inverter generator to have at a Inspire Meetup event.
by the way for anyone who's wondering why the batteries don't deep cycle: Battery must be 25% or less to deep cycle. I was trying to deep cycle from 90%. Shame it doesn't do it at any power level but not a big deal..
Just ordered the parts to make a charger that plugs into car. Critical parts are coming from China ... so will be a bit before I get it in hand and built.

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