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Help with updating Firmware

Apr 22, 2014
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I'm trying to update new firmware and I have downloaded zip file on to the sd card. When I put it into the camera and start Aspire the camera does its calibration and then it goes through several different light patterns and sounds then it just flashes yellow with no sound coming out of camera and never finishes. What am I doing wrong?
You must unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file onto the card, not just download the zip file.
For instance click on the download file to open the packet up THEN transfer the .bin file over onto your sd card.
you may have already done this correctly but just translated it differently in your original post!

Hope this helps though
I'm having same issues. I've downloaded the latest 11/24/15 zip files to my computer. I then extracted the files and copied the extracted file to my Ed card in the root diectory. Put card in craft and the camera just stays green for 30 min. Not green and red flashing during the update. Any suggestions?
Yup about 6?times! I even tried two diff sd cards. I even deleted the cards reformatted in the bird :then i deleted the zip files on computer and started over again! I've watched a couple of videos and other then unzipping the files which I did the only diff I see is that I am coping the extracted files and then pasting to the DCMM FOLDERBON THE CARD, where in the videos they seem to just drag the extracted folder to the sd card where the card shows on the my computer page!

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