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Low Altitude Flying - 2-4 Feet From Ground ... (CLOSED - I have what I needed)

Mar 16, 2021
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I have a project in mind that would place my v2 Pro x5 at almost ground level. Create Jpgs and Gps data of cemetary tombstones. Are there any known ground effects from being that low above grass?
Why not just hand carry the drone (no props on), if you're just doing jpegs at that height? You'll still be able to get the GPS data also. I've hand carried when doing some super close up shots for video and still have the gimbal minimize any motion or bounce while panning or circling and object. Worked great like having a hand held gimbal for a DSLR.
Why not just hand carry the drone (no props on), if you're just doing jpegs at that height? You'll still be able to get the GPS data also. I've hand carried when doing some super close up shots for video and still have the gimbal minimize any motion or bounce while panning or circling and object. Worked great like having a hand held gimbal for a DSLR.
That's a good idea. But my old and aching back would not like to hold it low enough. So I thought of flying it. Plus, my hands would be full with the drone and the remote controller. Thank you ...
The Inspire series (1 and 2) like to toilet bowl, move around a bit while hovering. The gimbal itself is not very strong. Sooooo.... if your reflexes are not 18 years old (i'm 63) I would not hover less than 1 Foot agl. On a CALM say
The Inspire series (1 and 2) like to toilet bowl, move around a bit while hovering. The gimbal itself is not very strong. Sooooo.... if your reflexes are not 18 years old (i'm 63) I would not hover less than 1 Foot agl. On a CALM say
Thanks for the reply.
I have heard that of the Inspire.
Most stones are 2-3 feet tall. To minimize distortion, that would put the camera lens at about 15-20" from the ground.
And those flush with the ground, the lens would be at 24" or better.
Those dimensions should give a bit of room for error and drift.
Thank you ...
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Greetings welcome to the forum! I think there are easier ways to do this than use your I2.
I wanted GPS info and foto plus simply use my Inspire. Also face the stone head on to minimize distortion. Using a camera means bending over and is not for me.
So far, will have to try this out and see what issues I may have,
I wanted GPS info and foto plus simply use my Inspire. Also face the stone head on to minimize distortion. Using a camera means bending over and is not for me.
So far, will have to try this out and see what issues I may have,
The main issue you will have (IMHO) is crashing into a headstone or other objects). I would think a GoPro on a selfie stick would work.
I have a project in mind that would place my v2 Pro x5 at almost ground level. Create Jpgs and Gps data of cemetary tombstones. Are there any known ground effects from being that low above grass?
Tons. As suggested, I would almost just hand carry for that kind of mission.

get or rent an Oslo for that X5
Did you mean Osmo?

If so, there is no information on the website nor the User Manual for "Does it provide GPS coordinates?" The still picture capability is nice as is the hand wand.

The end result of this, is to map a cemetary grave by grave. Then from the metadata extract the Gps location which will be in front of or above the stone. Then, link that to the websie for that cemetary. Open the overhead image. Click on a plot. There is the picture. And I am trying to use what I have to see if this could work.

Thanks ...
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Did you mean Osmo?

If so, there is no information on the website nor the User Manual for "Does it provide GPS coordinates?" The still picture capability is nice as is the hand wand.

The end result of this, is to map a cemetary grave by grave. Then from the metadata extract the Gps location which will be in front of or above the stone. Then, link that to the websie for that cemetary. Open the overhead image. Click on a plot. There is the picture. And I am trying to use what I have to see if this could work.

Thanks ...
You are right and you are right, I hit send before i noticed the spell checker changed it to Oslo LOL.
If you just need geotagged photos, could you not do this with your phone? This seems like an awful lot of hassle just to use the X5, which is pretty comparable to my Pixel 4a at the end of the day (aside from interchangeable lenses of course)
If you just need geotagged photos, could you not do this with your phone? This seems like an awful lot of hassle just to use the X5, which is pretty comparable to my Pixel 4a at the end of the day (aside from interchangeable lenses of course)
That may require bending over which I mentioned above. I’m too old and tired for that.

my original Qstn stands. Flying that low. Will the downward sensors affect the flight? Will any downdraft be a problem?

There are a lot of inexpensive cell phone gimbals ($100 or less) that should do the trick. I personally have an old Zhiyun rig that would stabilize, pan/tilt the phone, so no bending over. My OSMO with the stick and extension cable with the Z-Axis would do that too but even used is a more costly option than just using your cell phone with a hand held gimbal.
There are a lot of inexpensive cell phone gimbals ($100 or less) that should do the trick. I personally have an old Zhiyun rig that would stabilize, pan/tilt the phone, so no bending over. My OSMO with the stick and extension cable with the Z-Axis would do that too but even used is a more costly option than just using your cell phone with a hand held gimbal.
Picture this ...

Me. Standing before a stone. Then, my gizmo-on-a-stick, is forward of me, vertical, and I am trying (struggling) to see whatever screen there is to see. Then, hold it still enough to create an image that is not blurry.

Thanks for yuor concern ...
I asked "Are there any known ground effects from being that low above grass?". And got a plethora of information.

Since downdrafts/effects from the props do not seem to be an issue, I will assume flying low is okay. If, it doesn't turn into a Toilet Bowl Death Spiral.

I am aware of the surrounding obstacles, and will do some flying about before I try the Real Deal in The Granite Jungle.

And, it may just be a fun project. And provide quite a few people with an easy way to find folks they care of.

Thanks to all involved. I am not going to answer any more thoughts.

Jon ...

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