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Matrice 100 stops to take photo

Aug 30, 2016
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I have a Matrice 100 and are having trouble with it wanting to stop to take photos when using Drondeploy, Maps Made Easy Map Pilot and Data Mapper in Flight, I believe it has started doing it after the DJI Go App update 2.8.7 on the 16th August, has anyone experiencing the same thing or has any one got any thoughts on a solution?
I think it's supposed to do this as this what happens with a mission using pix4d as well.
when I was using DroneDepoly before the up date the M100 would fly up to 15m/sec and not stop to take a photo
I was flying yesterday with DroneDeploy and it did not do this. Although some of the images were not taken in a consistent pattern. Some were closer to others leaving gaps. It was quite windy. The P4 would not hold its speed into the wind where the Matrice had a consistent speed in both directions.

Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk
My Matrice 100 has guidance fitted I disconnected it on the week end and now it will fly with out stopping, but when using the DD app it dose all the flight checks, takes of, but will not take photos and the app is frozzen on the pre-flight check page with no flight data at all.

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