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Missing flight data logs after full day of flying

Apr 22, 2016
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Hey fellas, as the title says we did several batteries but there are no logged flights in DJI GO, either on the master or the slave controller. We use Crystal Sky monitors. Yesterday's flights are all logged, nothing was changed between yesterday and today flights.

Any idea what could be the cause?
Hey fellas, as the title says we did several batteries but there are no logged flights in DJI GO, either on the master or the slave controller. We use Crystal Sky monitors. Yesterday's flights are all logged, nothing was changed between yesterday and today flights.

Any idea what could be the cause?
My knee jerk reaction would be that this is a "settings" issue. But I know you're a pretty experienced UAV pilot, so the next question would be, "Which program were you using?" I know different programs store flight data in different areas. For example, Map Pilot Pro installs the flight logs in a "Documents" folder:

You said "controller," but flight logs are stored on the iPad. I'm not familiar with CrystalSky, but I believe that that is a controller and monitor all-in-one, yes? So that's why you say "controller," yes?

Again speculating, CrystalSky is an Android device, yes? If so, Android is very hackable (almost by design). So which program are you using to read the data?

Sometimes just answering these simple questions can make us recall things that might lead to a solution.

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You said "controller," but flight logs are stored on the iPad. I'm not familiar with CrystalSky, but I believe that that is a controller and monitor all-in-one, yes? So that's why you say "controller," yes?
Thanks for chiming in Donnie! I mean that the flight data is missing on both tablets that we use on the controllers, it's not all in one.

I'm using DJI GO 3, it's the latest version available for CS. The flight logs are missing within the DJI GO app, where one can check the flight trajectory, sticks positions and simple telemetry.

We flew again on the next day (today), did a few batteries and all logs are here as they should. It's very strange how we have logs for 30th Nov, no logs for 1st Dec and there are logs in 2nd of Dec. There is tons of space on the CS internal drives. I still don't have any idea what could cause this. :rolleyes:

Thanks for chiming in Donnie! I mean that the flight data is missing on both tablets that we use on the controllers, it's not all in one.
Copy that.

I'm using DJI GO 3, it's the latest version available for CS.
Ahhhh....unfortunately, TWO things I'm unfamiliar with. When I DO use DJI software, I use older versions of the Go and Go 4 apps.

The flight logs are missing within the DJI GO app, where one can check the flight trajectory, sticks positions and simple telemetry.
I see your screenshot below. That looks server-based to me, as opposed to being stored locally on the iPad. I don't use DJI software very often, but I BELIEVE they ALSO store Flight Logs locally on the tablet. If FINDING these logs is your objective, then I would look locally in the tablet's file tree. If your objective is more just to know WHY the logs are missing from the DJI server, maybe DJI can better help with that.

We flew again on the next day (today), did a few batteries and all logs are here as they should. It's very strange how we have logs for 30th Nov, no logs for 1st Dec and there are logs in 2nd of Dec.
That IS strange. When you fly, are you generally connected to the Internet? If so, maybe this is an Internet connection issue.

There is tons of space on the CS internal drives. I still don't have any idea what could cause this. :rolleyes:

It is strange. What do you think about the Internet connection theory?

That looks server-based to me, as opposed to being stored locally on the iPad
It's the same as the iPad, they are originally stored on the tablet and one can upload them on the dji cloud so if later login on another device to have access to the same logs.

When you fly, are you generally connected to the Internet
No interenet while flying, the only connection to internet is at the end of the day when I upload the flight logs to Airdata for reviewing them, drone and remote are switched off at that time.

If your objective is more just to know WHY the logs are missing
Yes my only purpose at this time is to find why is this happened and is it something that can affect the safety of the operation. I also thought to ask dji but this will take time to get sorted, I'm in the middle of a gig and only concern is safety as I don't want the drone to switch off in midair or to go crazy uncontrolled in some direction.
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