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More idiots flying drones where they shouldn't

On world news tonight they said in the freeway fires there were 5 hobby drones interfering with fire fighting aircraft. .
really 5??
Is there really that many dumb drone pilots out there??
If any situation occurs where you want to fly your drone to check out and see what's going on use common sense and stay away from any area where you know aircraft will be..
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Yes they had 5 drones in the air. 3 landed as soon as the aircraft showed up to fight the fire and 2 stayed in the air.

We don't need any new laws, just enforce the ones we have. As soon as the fire starts they issue a TFR to give the fire fighters control of the air space. FAA can fine up to $10,000 for busting into restricted air space. if they fine a few people and get the word out it may slow down.

I just had to see new laws when we have laws on the books just enforce what have.
hmm ..
When faced with isolated instances of overlapping interests the 'grey areas' matter.
Perhaps one of these uav operators had property or family at risk during this event.
Perhaps the operator was stranded on the highway as sent up his equipment to see how to ovoid being burned alive in his car.
There are many scenarios that are possible beyond the assumption that some guy is sitting safely in his screened in porch sipping iced tea while pining for a front row drones eye view to the horror.
I would prefer that we as a group tread softly on the quixotic dogma that if society perceives drones as a problem then they are correct.
Education of drone operators, the public, and first responders is the key.
In an ideal situation, the operators firmware would receive an appropriate message from the first responders to a) allow them to patch into the video in an attempt to better asses the situation. b) notify the operator to safely exit the area. c) record and report the serial number for further action.

hmm ..
When faced with isolated instances of overlapping interests the 'grey areas' matter.
Perhaps one of these uav operators had property or family at risk during this event.
Perhaps the operator was stranded on the highway as sent up his equipment to see how to ovoid being burned alive in his car.
There are many scenarios that are possible beyond the assumption that some guy is sitting safely in his screened in porch sipping iced tea while pining for a front row drones eye view to the horror.
I would prefer that we as a group tread softly on the quixotic dogma that if society perceives drones as a problem then they are correct.
Education of drone operators, the public, and first responders is the key.
In an ideal situation, the operators firmware would receive an appropriate message from the first responders to a) allow them to patch into the video in an attempt to better asses the situation. b) notify the operator to safely exit the area. c) record and report the serial number for further action.

I'm not buying your scenario that these drone operators where in any kind of danger. They were all there to film the fires knowing all well there were low flying aircraft in those areas. You cannot give hand guns to just anyone!, and you cannot give drones to just anyone willing to pay, but that's what's happening. Of course this is what's going to happen and my friends it's only going to get worse. You can expect to hear a lot more News stories about idiot's flying drones. This industry must and will be regulated to protect us from these Idiot's and laws will be enacted on every level from the Federal Government and down to local city and municipalities. Anybody who thinks
otherwise is going to be wrong.
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.. so your aspiration is that drones be regulated / licensed / legislated in some meaningful equivalency as the highly effective firearms cluster%*#$ in this country? While I see the same problems as you do, I see so many effective solutions exactly because of the technology employed .. I agree that idiot operators are highly problematic. I regularly am approached by people concerned about my drone. After patiently taking the time to listen and thanking them for sharing their story or concern with me .. i additionally take the time to show them what I'm up to and answer their questions. 9 times out of 10, their concerns have nothing to do with me or my equipment but rather something they heard or read. 5 times out of 10, they end up asking me if I can film their sailing club / soccer game / car meet / real estate.

.. what would be helpful is our organizing into an association to promote safe use and coordinate with government in solutions.

.. you, are both factually correct and .. respectfully part of the problem :cough:
Yes they should regulate UAV's, I have no problem getting certified and passing some kind of test. 2 news laws proposed here in California. 1 is raising the fines for interfering with fire fighting and the second is that the UAV companies embed a serial # that is being broadcasted. if there is a problem fire or police will be able to see the serial #'s and know who owns the UAV.

I hope they do something fast before California goes off the deep end and tries to pass some crazy law like they always do, and if California passes a law the rest of the country will not be far behind.
On the news last night the fire department said the new laws may allow them to shoot down the drone with water or a gun if its close ..
I'm sure with more than 8000 new laws a year there's got to be one they could use to deture drone flights,in fire fighting air space, without making a new one..
If they broadcast a serial number on all new drones the outlaws will just disable them..
The kind of person who is going to use a drone for Ill purposes isnt going to care about the law so it won't do much good and because most good pilots follow the rules these laws won't pertain to them...
Pretty soon we will be confined to flying on private property. .
seems like there's already many areas in California that are no fly zones ...
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.. so your aspiration is that drones be regulated / licensed / legislated in some meaningful equivalency as the highly effective firearms cluster%*#$ in this country? While I see the same problems as you do, I see so many effective solutions exactly because of the technology employed .. I agree that idiot operators are highly problematic. I regularly am approached by people concerned about my drone. After patiently taking the time to listen and thanking them for sharing their story or concern with me .. i additionally take the time to show them what I'm up to and answer their questions. 9 times out of 10, their concerns have nothing to do with me or my equipment but rather something they heard or read. 5 times out of 10, they end up asking me if I can film their sailing club / soccer game / car meet / real estate.

.. what would be helpful is our organizing into an association to promote safe use and coordinate with government in solutions.

.. you, are both factually correct and .. respectfully part of the problem :cough:
I appreciate what you've said steelkite. I am in full support of educating the public and drone operators, but I am also in support of regulations only because it has to be that way. Because of the capabilities of these drones today being able to fly autonomously, with way points and thousands of feet into ATC airspace, now multiply this by tens of thousands and it must and will be regulated and controlled because there will be so many drones in the coming years.
This sort of thing was not a big problem with R/C aircraft because R/C aircraft were to involved for the layperson to handle and most where flown at R/C fields. Drones change all that. Now anybody can be airborne anywhere and with very limited skills and knowledge and in great numbers. That's a game changer!
When you put a very capable flying aircraft in the hands of the general public it's going to lead to big issues. This is the reason I feel this way, not because I'm part of the problem. I'd love to make it easy but unfortunately it's not that easy.
On the news last night the fire department said the new laws may allow them to shoot down the drone with water or a gun if its close ..
I'm sure with more than 8000 new laws a year there's got to be one they could use to deture drone flights,in fire fighting air space, without making a new one..
If they broadcast a serial number on all new drones the outlaws will just disable them..
The kind of person who is going to use a drone for Ill purposes isnt going to care about the law so it won't do much good and because most good pilots follow the rules these laws won't pertain to them...
Pretty soon we will be confined to flying on private property. .
seems like there's already many areas in California that are no fly zones ...
If you were the helicopter pilot diving in low to the ground in very smoky hard to see environments wouldn't you want those drones out of the air? If I'm the pilot risking my life to save your house by all means go ahead and blast away. Maybe after enough drones are blasted out of the air, those who want to fly in restricted airspace will get the message.
WoW more government involvement wanted?
Listen Drones are here, even though there are responsible pilots, you will Never be able to control idiots. Quit the fear mongering (referring to the press) because there is Nothing that can be done about it. Thousands of drones are now here and if you choose to have more government involvement, the Commercial pilots are the only ones that are going to suffer. Why wouldn't the helicopters stop flying if there are birds around? This is just more redirect to make these machines look bad in the public opinion.
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I appreciate what you've said steelkite. I am in full support of educating the public and drone operators, but I am also in support of regulations only because it has to be that way. Because of the capabilities of these drones today being able to fly autonomously, with way points and thousands of feet into ATC airspace, now multiply this by tens of thousands and it must and will be regulated and controlled because there will be so many drones in the coming years.
This sort of thing was not a big problem with R/C aircraft because R/C aircraft were to involved for the layperson to handle and most where flown at R/C fields. Drones change all that. Now anybody can be airborne anywhere and with very limited skills and knowledge and in great numbers. That's a game changer!
When you put a very capable flying aircraft in the hands of the general public it's going to lead to big issues. This is the reason I feel this way, not because I'm part of the problem. I'd love to make it easy but unfortunately it's not that easy.

Just curious Birdseyejr.
What other restriction would you like to see and that your in support of?

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