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New Forum Rule....

Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
Please do not edit your first posts for content. They may be edited for spelling but when you change a starting post you confuse everyone after you and it has a tendency to ruin threads. Be a bit more sure when posting instead of posting whatever you want and then removing it when people get mad or disagree or you find out you are wrong. Members will also receive a warning for these actions. I will, from now on, revert all first posts to their original form if there is already a comment after it. If you have a good reason, a real reason, then you may edit your post AND ADD TO IT with an explanation.
I know many will think this is because of a recent thread but this actually happens a lot. It is not just one person doing it.

stupid question, usually there is an extra field where you can add a reason for editing but i can't find that here!? Or do you mean that we should drop a line at the end of the posting with the reason?

I recomend doing what makes sense for the original post. If it is something completely different just write edit: and add you change. Leave original info there. This way people read replys to posts, they get a fair understanding of why the reply was left.
Etiquette on other forums I use (and moderate) is to put a reason for edits, even if 'Edited to correct typos'.
I <<<<personally>>>> would have not locked the thread involved, especially for the reason given, it would have ran it's natural life. I'll bet there were a fair few lurkers on that one - It's a bit of fun too, we all say things we regret later.
^^ I like that, I've not came across that policy, could be a relatively short time too. Thanks.
Yeah i guess this is a standard feature in XenForo, also the extra field where you can enter the reason for edtiting.


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