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No SD Card

Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
Tyler, Texas
I don't know if this is a problem yet or not ... I haven't been able to get that far. I noted that my app screen shows "No SD Card" on the left side of the screen. My SD card is present and plugged into the camera as it should be. Actually I used it to load the latest update into the Inspire and the controller. Is this going to be a problem or maybe will it go away after I clear up some of the other issues, such as activation?
Good idea. I could have screwed up the formatting when I extracted the update to it. Should I format it with the App? I see there's an option to do this.
I would start formatting in the app. I would assume it would use the best settings for the inspire cam but you know what they say about assumptions. I personally format in my mac.
I know this is an old thread, just wanted to chip in with my findings.

I was having trouble with the Inspire X3 camera often saying 'No SD Card' when the card was perfectly readable on other devices. As is mentioned above, reformatting the card sometimes worked, but not always. Its worth trying (on a Mac at least) using Disk Utility to 'verify' and 'repair' the card, and then formatting as FAT32. I'm sure there's a similar tool on windows systems. I found some cards showed errors and fixing these solved the issue.

Hopefully the Inspire will now pick up the card, and once its working, then format it using the 'Format SD Card' button, now found in the camera settings pop-out menu of the DJI GO App.

Hope that helps someone.
I know this is an old thread, just wanted to chip in with my findings.

I was having trouble with the Inspire X3 camera often saying 'No SD Card' when the card was perfectly readable on other devices. As is mentioned above, reformatting the card sometimes worked, but not always. Its worth trying (on a Mac at least) using Disk Utility to 'verify' and 'repair' the card, and then formatting as FAT32. I'm sure there's a similar tool on windows systems. I found some cards showed errors and fixing these solved the issue.

Hopefully the Inspire will now pick up the card, and once its working, then format it using the 'Format SD Card' button, now found in the camera settings pop-out menu of the DJI GO App.

Hope that helps someone.

When using a mac you should also check that you don't create the annoying .DS_STORE files, there are tools out there which remove them automatically when you eject the drive OR...

to disable the creation of .DS_STORe on external devices open a terminal and enter:

defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

Remove all .DS_Store files in a directory where it is executed as well as that particular directory’s subdirectories (also in Terminal)

find . -name ‘*.DS_Store’ -type f -delete


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