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Olympus 12mm x5s focusing & lens calibration

Aug 25, 2022
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Hey guys, just added an inspire 2 to my fleet. Running an x5s with the Olympus 12mm lens. This setup should be more than adequate for my purposes, but whatever I do I can't get rid of the blurred, fuzzy, $20 Walmart drone picture quality. My question to you guys is what are the steps to do a good lens calibration with this. Manual focus in the app does nothing. Possible lens issue?
Hey guys, just added an inspire 2 to my fleet. Running an x5s with the Olympus 12mm lens. This setup should be more than adequate for my purposes, but whatever I do I can't get rid of the blurred, fuzzy, $20 Walmart drone picture quality. My question to you guys is what are the steps to do a good lens calibration with this. Manual focus in the app does nothing. Possible lens issue?
I had kind of the same issue that it wasn’t properly focusing when I first got mine and then after using it for awhile it seemed to correct itself.

One thing you can try is point it at a blank white wall that has no contrast and let it try to focus, unsuccessfully, on the wall. I have been told to do that in unrelated circumstances so I don’t know if it’s applicable but worth a try
I had kind of the same issue that it wasn’t properly focusing when I first got mine and then after using it for awhile it seemed to correct itself.

One thing you can try is point it at a blank white wall that has no contrast and let it try to focus, unsuccessfully, on the wall. I have been told to do that in unrelated circumstances so I don’t know if it’s applicable but worth a try
I'll give that a shot. Anyone else have recommendations?
I'll give that a shot. Anyone else have recommendations?
Hello. I understand that focusing manually through the App doesn't do it…My questions: Autofocus; when you touch the screen of the device you are using…does it?…With the drone resting on a surface, you have adjusted see the camera focus directly see it using your hands, it is achieved.?..Possibilities of using another X5S camera to see how it behaves...?... that would help a lot to rule out that the Inspire2 does not have a fault in its connectors. I imagine that you have updated the firmware of the drone as well as the camera….
I forgot you said it doesn’t manually focus on the app. Mine does and with the focus knob on the Cendence remote so I would say you might have a bad lens
Follow the lens calibration procedures.
Go to photo mode and pick the lowest aperture like 2.8. Then use auto focus to calibrate on something far off in the distance. Complete calibration. I use auto focus to get infinity then I swift back to manual. Without calibration the manual focus does not know where infinity is.
CW177: The Oly 12mm can be physically switched into a manual focus mode that prevents the app from changing its focus. You switch between manual and autofocus on the lens by sliding the focus ring forward or backward. The focus ring has ridges on it, circles the barrel of the lens, and sits just in front of the Aperture markings on the lens. If you slide that ring forward (toward the lens opening), you will expose a set of distance markings around the barrel of the lens. When the focus ring is in this position, the lens is pysically locked into manual focus mode. If you want the I2 to be able to focus this lens via the app, the focus ring needs to be pulled back, so that the distance markings aren't visible, which then allows the app to autofocus the lens. So check the position of the focus ring.

I should add that the suggestions above about calibrating the lens using the Go4 lens calibration steps are misguided. Those steps do not affect the focus quality you get when you use the app to autofocus the lens by tapping on the app screen. Really. All Lens Calibration does is teach the App what position to set the lens to when you select "Focus on Infinity" in the app's focus assist feature. I find that feature unreliable over time, so don't ever use it.
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CW177: The Oly 12mm can be physically switched into a manual focus mode that prevents the app from changing its focus. You switch between manual and autofocus on the lens by sliding the focus ring forward or backward. The focus ring has ridges on it, circles the barrel of the lens, and sits just in front of the Aperture markings on the lens. If you slide that ring forward (toward the lens opening), you will expose a set of distance markings around the barrel of the lens. When the focus ring is in this position, the lens is pysically locked into manual focus mode. If you want the I2 to be able to focus this lens via the app, the focus ring needs to be pulled back, so that the distance markings aren't visible, which then allows the app to autofocus the lens. So check the position of the focus ring.

I should add that the suggestions above about calibrating the lens using the Go4 lens calibration steps is misguided. Those steps do not affect the the focus quality you get when you use the app to autofocus the lens by tapping on the app screen. Really. All Lens Calibration does is teach the App what position to set the lens to when you select "Focus on Infinity" in the app's focus assist feature. I find that feature unreliable over time, so don't ever use it.
This is good info! I didn’t know it had a manual focus clutch on the lens

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