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PPK Solution

Nico Jaeger

Approved Vendor
Sep 30, 2020
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Hi All,

I am Nico, Product Manager at Applanix – A Trimble Company (www.applanix.com).

I wonder about your experience in PPK processing. What software are you using and what is your experience with it? Actually, we released a Cloud Web App for post-processed kinematic (PPK) GNSS for UAV’s. It’s currently free and we would like to get some testers to see how that works and what you guys think about. Maybe one or the other give it a try by going to ApplanixPPK?

I am surely available to give you background information or assist. There is a video on this site as well as FAQ’s. Ok, I appreciate your contribution and feedback. That’s really valuable for us.
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Hello Nico, welcome to forum.
I've been considering getting into PPK and/or RTK using a few different platforms. Others on this forum are very experienced and have helped me understand some of the basics and various reading of some sites: emlid as example.

Examined your site, and it's very interesting. But I question on the applied accuracy when it's based on the sUAV electronics and positional stock flight GPS. Both components on consumer sUAV: P4P, Mavic 2, I2, M210 have higher inaccuracies and the timing of the camera to position has inaccuracies.

Without mounting a accurate GPS (exp: Reach M2) and establishing an accurate camera timing, with modified cameras... and accurately placement with some base type device.

How are you able to obtain highly accurate points for map, survey or construction?

I'm not suggesting not negative, I'm very interested. If this was accurate, then the question would be to myself, why purchase so much other hardware and custom camera mods if this provided similar results. That's more my question, I fail to understand how this can approach the higher cost options.
Hi Doug,

thanks for your reply.

We run many Phantom data sets through our engine and we always obtain 2 - 3cm position accuracy. That means the receiver itself provides decent GNSS observables (GPS + GLONASS) for PPK processing with a base station close to the mission area. Sure, the receiver should at minimum provide clean L1/L2 GPS signals. That's the case here, plus even GLONASS. I cannot speak of so many other UAV's I confess, but that's also the reason why we made this beta. We want to understand the market needs and various system constellations.

As for proper time stamps (exposure time) I understand this is an electronic task here. We cannot control this. It sits with the integrator. It's clear that the proper mid-exposure-pulse (MEP) needs to be sent from the camera at time of triggering without significant delays. There is of course a tolerance here depending on flight speed of the drone. Anyway, I cannot really comment on how this is integrated on different platforms.

That said, what timing inaccuracies are you speaking about? Do you know the MEP delay on certain platforms?
Hi Doug,

thanks for your reply.

We run many Phantom data sets through our engine and we always obtain 2 - 3cm position accuracy. That means the receiver itself provides decent GNSS observables (GPS + GLONASS) for PPK processing with a base station close to the mission area. Sure, the receiver should at minimum provide clean L1/L2 GPS signals. That's the case here, plus even GLONASS. I cannot speak of so many other UAV's I confess, but that's also the reason why we made this beta. We want to understand the market needs and various system constellations.

As for proper time stamps (exposure time) I understand this is an electronic task here. We cannot control this. It sits with the integrator. It's clear that the proper mid-exposure-pulse (MEP) needs to be sent from the camera at time of triggering without significant delays. There is of course a tolerance here depending on flight speed of the drone. Anyway, I cannot really comment on how this is integrated on different platforms.

That said, what timing inaccuracies are you speaking about? Do you know the MEP delay on certain platforms?
OK guys - can we please continue/start this discussion in the relevant section Surveying & Mapping as this is just for Introductions.


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