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TB47 vs. TB48 Battery

Feb 21, 2014
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After browsing the specs of the Inspire, I noticed that there are two battery options. They have a "standard" battery called the TB47....and right below it, they have an "optional" TB48 battery.


Can anyone elaborate on these and tell me what the flight times will be with the TB48?
I was wondering the same thing. Can you say where you found the information about the TB48 flight time?
Right now, the only details on flight time are coming from math (calculating the capacity), and a chat transcript with DJI Support found elsewhere on the forum. That transcript also claimed that more concrete information for the batteries (including pricing) will be available next week.
Head from dr turbo on rcgroups forum. 18 min for dtd battery. 22 min for. 5700 optional battery.
$150 and $200 for each.
really glad they will have the bigger battery available for those os us who want to do some longer flights. i can't wait to do a coastal fly up and back near ft ross to timber cove..that would be epic with the right lighting. state park though..might have to do it from my big boat on a rock fishing trip. heck,my 20' starcraft has a big open space to land on even..anybody for an epic boat ride to fly Inspires let me know! woo hoo!
TB47 is airline friendly while TB48 is not. I believe most airlines allow a max of 100Wh lipo.

Technically, the rules per the FAA in the US are that you can carry-on an unlimited number of TB47 (<100WH), whereas you are limited to carry-on a maximum of TWO TB48 (>100WH, <300WH). No lithium batteries in checked baggage. This is likely the reason why DJI made the 4500mah standard, but you CAN carry the larger ones on planes.
really glad they will have the bigger battery available for those os us who want to do some longer flights. i can't wait to do a coastal fly up and back near ft ross to timber cove..that would be epic with the right lighting. state park though..might have to do it from my big boat on a rock fishing trip. heck,my 20' starcraft has a big open space to land on even..anybody for an epic boat ride to fly Inspires let me know! woo hoo!
When you are up byTimber Cove, that airport is withing a half mile of EVERYTHING in that area. My Bro used to live there.
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I'm really disappointed with the capacity of the extended battery and especially the price. 4 more minutes is nice but not enough to get excited about. They should have pumped just a little more into it to give it the 25 minutes of the P2V+. From a marketing perspective that would have made them on par with their own product instead of introducing something new with an inferior spec.

And $200 is just crazy! But they sort of have you over a barrel I guess. The choice is do it or don't. I did.
I've never gotten 25 minutes with a p2v+. My most conservative flying nets 18 minutes with 9443 props and 16 minutes with 9450s, on either 2212 or 2312 motors. I think the 25 minute claim is really more for a completely unloaded phantom 2. So at least for my flying, 18 real world minutes would put the Inspire right on par with the p2, and 22 mins would well exceed it.

That said, I hope DJI is able to make an extended-extended battery. Probably limited due to the physical cage size and COG issues with a rear-mounted battery pack, but everyone is always chasing more time so I expect it would be welcome.
We're not really measuring ACTUAL flight time since nobody's flown an Inspire with an extended battery yet. It's just a comparison of specs and claims. Design limitations are invalid since this is a new design, they could have just made the cage bigger and more accommodating right from the start, not as if they were try to add new tech to an old design.
Actually, people flying preproduction Inspires with the stock 4500mah battery are already reporting the 18 min flight time claim is accurate (and we know what the p2v+ gets of course) so I think we have a good baseline at this point. We'll see when the production versions are out in December, and whenever the extended batteries are finally released, but at this point, we KNOW the p2v+ gets nowhere near 25 min and the stock battery preprod Inspire with 4500 is close to or matches what the p2v+ does get.

I don't think anyone has seen an extended battery yet, but my guess is for most people, it won't be worth the extra few min over stock. Returns really start diminishing past the sweet spot.
I'll be honest, I've never actually timed a P2V+ flight. I just fill the batt, fly, and land for a swap when the buzzer makes me. If that ends up being markedly less than the 25 minutes (which wouldn't at all surprise me) and the Inspire batts end up being close to that, then I guess that's a bonus for me. I need spare batteries FOR SURE, so my thinking is if I'm spending $150, I might as well pay a bit more for the added capacity since I know I'll use it. It would just be nice if $50 bought me more than 4 minutes, but again, if that in fact ends up being more than the P2V+ then my complaints about battery will end right there!
I should specify, my complaints about battery LIFE will end. Price could still stand to be a little better, but I get it, it's new and all.
I'm really disappointed with the capacity of the extended battery and especially the price.

You need to do some math. 30% more battery capacity for 25% more cost is an incredible bargain:

Ref :http://www.dji.com/product/inspire-1/spec

The 5.7 Ah battery has a potential of 22.8 volts, and therefore 129.96 Wh.

The 4.5 Ah battery has a potential of only 22.2 volts, and therefore 99.9 Wh.

Staying on scene for 30% more time to get more shots, regardless of usage pattern, is worth far, far more than 25% more cost. Not just wasted time on the ground swapping out batteries, but the compounded waste of driving to and from the scene.

Compare the following two scenarios, both using 75% of DJI's stated capacities:

Total flight time for 4.5 Ah battery = 13.5 minutes
minus 4 minutes to fly to and from the scene = 9.5 minutes
Total on scene time with 4 batteries = 38 minutes

Total flight time for 5.7 Ah battery = 17.5 minutes
minus 4 minutes to fly to and from the scene = 13.5 minutes
Total on scene time with 3 batteries = 40.5 minutes

Total cost for batteries to give you 38 minutes on scene with 4.5 Ah batteries is $636.
Total cost for batteries to give you 40.5 minutes on scene with 5.7 Ah batteries is $597.

There is simply no value comparison to be made.

Note that the comparison does not even take into account the waste of your time making an additional battery swap.
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Ran the numbers again, and if you are an extraordinarily proficient pilot/photographer/cinematographer/director and could fly the Inspire 1 on scene and ready to shoot in 60 seconds, and recover it in the same amount of time, both the 4 x 4.5 Ah battery and the 3 x 5.7 Ah battery options would yield close to the same (the larger battery yielding 39 seconds or so more) on scene time of 46 minutes. Your magnificent flying skills would still not make up the deficit of $39 in battery cost and time lost to the extra battery swap, however.
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