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UK battery prices

Nov 5, 2013
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anyone know why the prices for batteries have gone up?
I paid £125 for the TB47 two weeks ago and now they are £166.

Can't be currency fluctuation as the Inspire1 and props are still the same price. Is it cost of manufacture or are DJI dictating price on these very necessary spares for us in the UK?.
B&H in New York still have them advertised at $159 ( £104). That's a pretty big difference.
Props are roughly the same price €19 (£12)
Yes been mentioned on another thread, don't know the real reason. Ebay, still £158 for a TB48, get in quick I have ordered 2 more plus kept my order with Heliguy. Cheers Mark
Thanks for the heads up. All the dealers in the U.k are listing the new battery prices even through they have never had any lol. Anyway jumped on eBay and got 3 of the TB 48,s as I'm sure when they realise they will be up to dji's new price. Think this price will put a lot of people off.
Yes I allready posted this.I don't believe this is currency fluctuation because it is only with the Inspire and no other DJI models(P2,Ps v3).Batteries on these models are still te same.The Inspire went up for €300,00
I think it's more "welcome in the commercial world".I allready said it's more frustrating because I wanted those batteries for weeks and was going to order 1 or 2 next month,but that have to wait or order 1.
But hey maybe DJI will put the extra money in a superb customer service!
But I have flown yesterday with my 2 new TB48's and it's a lot more fun!
It's still a great machine!
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