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New Laowa 9mm/2.8 for X7

I am interested in the procedure as well, did you find out? I have both the X5s with 7 mm and the X7, waiting for the 9 mm. cheers
I'm waiting on 9mm for X7... selling MFT 7.5mm casually. I don't recall thread, but I understand the 9mm on X7 to be much more functional or easier to get functional. I haven't invested in 9mm yet simply due to Winter period and no pressing needs. It'll be a Spring/Summer purchase.
I’ve used the 9mm on the X7. Don’t like hotswapping. Haven’t had any issues powering it up and adjusting fStop if necessary once fired up. Just sometimes resets camera settings and record formats which isn’t a major deal as I will always check setting later before every flight. I find the trick is to adjust the picture on the ground but give yourself some latitude with ISO. For example, get it correctly exposed or as close to as you can at ISO 200 so you can go either way once airborne if the light changes without messing with the shutter which introduces other issues. Also I find that a Hoya CPL works well and gives the lens a bit more front weight as it appears to be back heavy and unbalanced out of the box on the X7.
Are you finding it sharper when focused a little under infinity?
probably...ive replaced 4 in 3 yrs on 2 crafts
Realize this is an older post, but if still on the thread... quick question.

Re: Vibration Camera Mount
Are you replacing the 3 rubber shock couplers (isolators) or the whole mount assembly?

I have 2 I2's and one developed a poor connection in socket so I replaced the whole assembly. While replacing, I didn't notice anything on the mount that needed replaced that would induce or transfer a vibration other than isolator mounts.

I have replaced the Isolators on several crafts... DJI and Yuneec. They hold the weight of mount & payload, and slowly stretch and weaken. Replacing Isolators restores vibration isolation.

Curious what direction you've taken since you've addressed this several times.
i just bought this lens and realised it is very back heavy how are people using this, as is or putting weight on it somehow?
I am interested in the procedure as well, did you find out? I have both the X5s with 7 mm and the X7, waiting for the 9 mm. cheers
The best method to using the 9mm is to first power up the I2 with the 16mm lens connected.Switch to shutter priority mode. Power down. Swap the lens from the 16mm to the 9mm. Power back up. Switch back to manual mode. The I2 will now use the lens profile from the 16mm and more importantly, all your settings will remain each time you have to power cycle there after as long as you stick to the 9mm lens.
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