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New Inspire 2 firmware (April 18, 2018)

Note sure if this bit in the release note would be related to the issue you observed about the gimbal turning 90º:

"The gimbal will re-center automatically only when the pitch axis angle is less than zero degrees and the aircraft is landing at a height of 0.7 m, to avoid touching the ground."

To apply firmware to additional battery, start RC, Go App, then AC in this order from their respective powered-off state. Wait until the inconsistent firmware message to show up, which may take a minute or so.

In addition, someone from DJI's forum is reporting that the RC firmware has been pulled (probably due to the charging bug).

Updated today. Found that the Landing gear precision won’t disable. I can toggle the switch in the preferences, but the aircraft still checks and halts before landing.
Also found an issue where the camera turns left immediately 90degrees. can not find out how to replicate. It happened on several landings when the landing gear was enabled and during a couple in air turns.
Two of my batteries updated with the initial update but I can not get any of my other sets to see the update.
Also unable to get my remote to see the update.
Note sure if this bit in the release note would be related to the issue you observed about the gimbal turning 90º:

"The gimbal will re-center automatically only when the pitch axis angle is less than zero degrees and the aircraft is landing at a height of 0.7 m, to avoid touching the ground."

To apply firmware to additional battery, start RC, Go App, then AC in this order from their respective powered-off state. Wait until the inconsistent firmware message to show up, which may take a minute or so.

In addition, someone from DJI's forum is reporting that the RC firmware has been pulled (probably due to the charging bug).

Thanks for the info. The 90 degree shift could be related to that note. I would hope that it would reset to a 0 degree heading on both axis. And it doesn’t explain the in air 90 degree shift tho.
That is my start up sequence also, but I will give the battery update another shot when they are recharged.
Your startup sequence should really be; RC, A/C then app. The app should be closed and not running in the background. Also don’t start the app until everything else is rebooted otherwise that can also bring about problems
When you activate the RTH the camera swings round at least 90 degrees from straight ahead did this several times when activating the RTH
Updated today. Found that the Landing gear precision won’t disable. I can toggle the switch in the preferences, but the aircraft still checks and halts before landing.
Also found an issue where the camera turns left immediately 90degrees. can not find out how to replicate. It happened on several landings when the landing gear was enabled and during a couple in air turns.
Two of my batteries updated with the initial update but I can not get any of my other sets to see the update.
Also unable to get my remote to see the update. Currently on 1.01.0002
Using CS monitor for control and settings

Unplug your device and then plug it back..... watch your App and wait for the Go 4 app to communicate with your Inspire 2 and new set of batteries. It will prompt you to update them soon afterwards.

I did the update on the day of release. In did on my Mac using the desktop app. After doing the first update and setup of batteries I powered down, changed batteries and in the firmware section, it told me I need to upgrade again. This time was much faster and this happened on each set of batteries. Then repowered everything off and on and the remote updated. I tested in the back yard and had the camera gimbal go 90 degrees. Powered it off and on and everything worked fine. I did a test flight, recording, etc. and all checked out. I checked the gimbal wander and it appears to be resolved!!! I did a commercial shoot with it the next day and had no problems. Everything work correctly.
Also unable to get my remote to see the update. Currently on 1.01.0002
Using CS monitor for control and settings

When I did my update the RC firmware was 1.01.0010 but the RC failed to charge properly. Seemed when I rolled back to 1.01.0002, rebooted, and then installed 1.01.0010 again the battery charging issue worked correctly. I did it via an iOS tablet though and not the CS.

For the RC, just start it along with GO (Aircraft off.). When opening into GO, hold the three horizontal lines (hamburgers) in the upper right of the white GO screen down for 10-15 seconds. When you release, it should show you the RC firmware page where you might be able to scroll through the window to the different firmware versions. Don't know if the CS will behave the same way with the "hamburgers."
DJI just re-released updates to the latest firmware. Batteries updated, controller updated, camera controllers updated, and Image processors updated again. Using the same version number. I suggest those of you who have previously installed the latest update to force check for them again.
Hopefully this will fix the 90degree rotate issue I was having, but that may have been due to the fact I did not have the controller updated to match the firmware.
They pulled the battery update and controller update for fixes, hence the reasoning why the software could not previously locate them.
I will go for a flight if the weather permits later this day.
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I’m also seeing the gimbal turning upon RTH issue. This is with the initial firmware released mid-April. Everything else seems good except a stock RC charging issue. These two problems don’t bother me enough to go thru another round of firmware updates.

If DJI is indeed releasing new firmware with the same version numbers, that is FUBAR.
This is what I show as current as of April 22, 2018:

Current I2 Info.jpg

I did do a uninstall of the RC, rollback, and reinstall of the 1.01.0010 version using GO's opening screen "hamburgers" which fixed the RC charging issue, but does this mean I also need to refresh via Assistant 2 (ver. 1.2.0 -- if it works!) of the aircraft again?
@Casey53 Here are my version numbers as of 2018-04-18 (Wed) evening. The numbers are identical to yours, but the system exhibits the two known issues below. If your system, with identical version numbers, no longer exhibits one or both issues, then we know DJI is releasing new firmware under identical version numbers, which is TOTALLY F*CKED UP.

1) Stock RC charging issue - LEDs do not come on when plugged in.
2) Gimbal turns 90º upon RTH.

@Casey53 Here are my version numbers as of 2018-04-18 (Wed) evening. The numbers are identical to yours, but the system exhibits the two known issues below. If your system, with identical version numbers, no longer exhibits one or both issues, then we know DJI is releasing new firmware under identical version numbers, which is TOTALLY F*CKED UP.

1) Stock RC charging issue - LEDs do not come on when plugged in.
2) Gimbal turns 90º upon RTH.


#1 was cured when I rolled back to 1.0.0002 and then updated to 1.01.0010 again. Just plugged RC into charger now and the four LEDs are working as they should.

Don't know about #2. I just refreshed the aircraft firmware via Assistant 2 again (First time was via the iPad Pro.) and it seemed to go faster using Assistant 2 also. Did another VPS cal. too. I will do the IMU and Compass later after it cools down a bit. Might fix the looking left matter maybe, but I never use the RTH feature as I manually fly it back and land it myself most of the time.
#1 was cured when I rolled back to 1.0.0002 and then updated to 1.01.0010 again. Just plugged RC into charger now and the four LEDs are working as they should.

Don't know about #2. I just refreshed the aircraft firmware via Assistant 2 again (First time was via the iPad Pro.) and it seemed to go faster using Assistant 2 also. Did another VPS cal. too. I will do the IMU and Compass later after it cools down a bit. Might fix the looking left matter maybe, but I never use the RTH feature as I manually fly it back and land it myself most of the time.
The 90 deg gimbal swing also happens when switching between Flight Modes from P to A and back to P. And it happened to me once upon landing in P mode too. So, what is the concensus here? Should I refresh the FW today because there were some under the hood changes made by DJI since April 18 which were not officially announced??
Unplug your device and then plug it back..... watch your App and wait for the Go 4 app to communicate with your Inspire 2 and new set of batteries. It will prompt you to update them soon afterwards.

We have had to let ours sit for several minutes sometimes in order to get the "slide to update" indicator on the screen.
DJI just re-released updates to the latest firmware. Batteries updated, controller updated, camera controllers updated, and Image processors updated again. Using the same version number. I suggest those of you who have previously installed the latest update to force check for them again.

oMG again with this update
DJI just re-released updates to the latest firmware. Batteries updated, controller updated, camera controllers updated, and Image processors updated again. Using the same version number. I suggest those of you who have previously installed the latest update to force check for them again.
Hopefully this will fix the 90degree rotate issue I was having, but that may have been due to the fact I did not have the controller updated to match the firmware.
They pulled the battery update and controller update for fixes, hence the reasoning why the software could not previously locate them.
I will go for a flight if the weather permits later this day.
What makes you think they have released new firmware?
Rolled back my Rc with the Hamburger method then updated again.

Boom bang boom the the Rc charged without pressing the power button. :cool:

Pssssss WTF

DJI remains silent, why?
Excited about my first test flight after updating and I still have the 45mm camera drift. My video is also jerky and not smooth at all. I have the T-motors installed so I'm thinking the prop vibration issue should not be causing it? I had the Sensei step up ring with a Polar Pro filter today and the balance seems fine.

So disappointed with the quality of video. Camera is always off centre so it always appears like I'm crabbing when trying to fly straight. Feel like I get better footage from my Mavic or Phantom.
Went out for 3 flights today. The bug with the 90 degree camera issue is still there. I was able to replicate it by: Sport mode, while yaw left and roll left at the same time and then switching to Atti mode.
It does it two out of four times.
Also there is a bug where you can no longer turn off Landing check. Even when toggled, the aircraft comes to a halt before landing with a notification something about maximum height reached.

The camera drift is gone for me. Shot with the 7mm, 17mm, and 45mm.

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