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update ?

Jan 2, 2014
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Hi I just receive my Inspire 1 today . I am going through setup install etc . The app is say that I need to update the firmware is this necessary as reading the most recent firmware update are causing people a lot of issues ?


the Inspire should fly without the update, but the app will keep nagging you about it. that's what a friend of mine is seeing with his. I think he is waiting for me to get back to town before he updates his because he is nervous about breaking it.

I updated my Inspire and two controllers without any issues a few weeks ago. I used my 16gb SD card that came with my Inspire to update the camera and bird and used a 4gb usb 2.0 thumb drive to update the two controllers. I did the copter/camera/battery update first, then my master controller, then my slave controller. only issue I had at all was that it took about 30 minutes to update my master controller.
you have to remember to delete the .txt file created during the update before going on to the next device.
the Inspire should fly without the update, but the app will keep nagging you about it. that's what a friend of mine is seeing with his. I think he is waiting for me to get back to town before he updates his because he is nervous about breaking it.

I updated my Inspire and two controllers without any issues a few weeks ago. I used my 16gb SD card that came with my Inspire to update the camera and bird and used a 4gb usb 2.0 thumb drive to update the two controllers. I did the copter/camera/battery update first, then my master controller, then my slave controller. only issue I had at all was that it took about 30 minutes to update my master controller.
you have to remember to delete the .txt file created during the update before going on to the next device.

Hi so is there an actual procedure to follow set by step online someware ?
It is on the download page right next to the firmware download.
Try this shortcut: http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/How_To_Upgrade_Firmware_en.pdf
Here's a link to the firmware download: http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/Inspire_1_Firmwarev1.2.0.17_en.zip

You have to unzip the firmware file and put it in the root directory of an SD card to upgrade the aircraft/camera/battery. The Inspire will not see the upgrade file if it is anywhere other than the root directory. Same with the controllers.
It is on the download page right next to the firmware download.
Try this shortcut: http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/How_To_Upgrade_Firmware_en.pdf
Here's a link to the firmware download: http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/Inspire_1_Firmwarev1.2.0.17_en.zip

You have to unzip the firmware file and put it in the root directory of an SD card to upgrade the aircraft/camera/battery. The Inspire will not see the upgrade file if it is anywhere other than the root directory. Same with the controllers.

Thanks for that one question I have two extra battery's do these all need to be updated some how ?
It is on the download page right next to the firmware download.
Try this shortcut: http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/How_To_Upgrade_Firmware_en.pdf
Here's a link to the firmware download: http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/Inspire_1_Firmwarev1.2.0.17_en.zip

You have to unzip the firmware file and put it in the root directory of an SD card to upgrade the aircraft/camera/battery. The Inspire will not see the upgrade file if it is anywhere other than the root directory. Same with the controllers.

The link for firmware download is not working and neither is it on the DJI site have they removed it ?
Leave it there,so in case you place another battery it might update that one too.Allthough I think there is no update required.Just in case and it won't do any harm

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