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Firmware Upgrade How-To

Aug 9, 2014
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As requested by many, MANY of you, here are the proper directions to upgrade your firmware. These directions come directly from a well respected member of the DJI community as well as our little slice here on the forum.

"It's a very simple process. You want to load the bin file on the root of the sd card ( x:\filename.bin). I advise to ONLY power the craft and let the upgrade process start, once done you will hear a change of the beeps. The completion tone is DA (pause)... DA, DA. Once the craft is updated power down and do the TX. I use a freshly formatted USB thumb drive for the TX. Copy the same bin file to the thumb drive (x:\filename.bin). The upgrade should start after about 30sec. Once complete the TX light will turn from blue to green, upgrade complete.

I advise users to keep the bin file on the card. This allows all batteries inserted to be upgraded IF required."

Thanks Blade.
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Not so simple.

I kept getting failure tones, after spending ~30 minutes waiting during each iteration.

The .TXT file would only show "upgrading" for a message. No other failure or status messages that should have been there were present.

After 4 attempts, I saw on one of the forums to put the .BIN file on the original SD card that came with the system. I thought "Now, isn't that the stupidest thing I've ever heard of?". It really shouldn't matter where the .BIN file is...should it?

Anyway, to my amazement and final delight, it worked.
WOW. I have just spent the last 7 hours trying to update firmware. I have been on DJI chat for 5 of those hours. I just got the bird back from repair in California for the EPS error that they didn't tell me anything about. After six weeks they sent it back saying everything is fine. I am trying to update firmware on bird, batts, and controller. I can't even get any beeps. My question is am I doing the format correctly on my mac? ExFAT or MS-DOS? China chat could not figure it out. They had me terminal out to locate the hidden LOG.txt file that did not exist. Please help if anyone has anything. Thanks.
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Basically my issue is after upgrade to newest firmware 5/2015. As the described above and checked the txt file, I get a message from the pilot App to upgrade the firm ware for my RC. CHECKING THE TXT after upgrade it said that I'm trying upgrade with firm ware that is all ready installed. Has anyone have this problem and or a solution. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Ps. I get faster support from $ 75 camera I bought from Sony than dji for all the money I've spent buying there many product including now inspire 1. Sending the craft to dji at cost of 80.00 and then waiting for 5-6 weeks is really terrible service
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I think you need to delete the TXT files from your card before you upgrade the firmware to RC

Otherwise it thinks the firmware has already been upgraded.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the response. I've done that too. I even place a new sd card and try to update no luck either. I've also try deleted the pilot app to see if that was the problem. No good either still wants me to upgrade when I launch the pilot app. well if you think of anything else I can try, just let me know. Happy Father's day if you are a dad.
As requested by many, MANY of you, here are the proper directions to upgrade your firmware. These directions come directly from a well respected member of the DJI community as well as our little slice here on the forum.

"It's a very simple process. You want to load the bin file on the root of the sd card ( x:\filename.bin). I advise to ONLY power the craft and let the upgrade process start, once done you will hear a change of the beeps. The completion tone is DA (pause)... DA, DA. Once the craft is updated power down and do the TX. I use a freshly formatted USB thumb drive for the TX. Copy the same bin file to the thumb drive (x:\filename.bin). The upgrade should start after about 30sec. Once complete the TX light will turn from blue to green, upgrade complete.

I advise users to keep the bin file on the card. This allows all batteries inserted to be upgraded IF required."

Thanks Blade.

I just got my Inspire and it will not do anything with the updated firmware.???? I have followed the latest videos and pdf's exactly. Extract to the MicroSD, install in camera, turn on only the Inspire, full battery and all it does is go to the standby actuation while moving the camera around half a time, does not do any firmware install at all. Yet, the TX, when turned on later, says it all needs the update. Bad bird; DOA?
I just got my Inspire and it will not do anything with the updated firmware.???? I have followed the latest videos and pdf's exactly. Extract to the MicroSD, install in camera, turn on only the Inspire, full battery and all it does is go to the standby actuation while moving the camera around half a time, does not do any firmware install at all. Yet, the TX, when turned on later, says it all needs the update. Bad bird; DOA?

Any suggestions?
Just to cover all of he bases first, did you try to remove the file and re-download? Is it the only file in the correctly FORMATTED as card?
Everyone: Got my Inspire to function. Don't know how, actually. After just playing with the camera, moving it to its end stops after turning it on, one last time, it began to fully function and thereby take the firmware update, etc. It flies like a dream.

Thanks for y'all's responses and helpful suggestions.
As requested by many, MANY of you, here are the proper directions to upgrade your firmware. These directions come directly from a well respected member of the DJI community as well as our little slice here on the forum.

"It's a very simple process. You want to load the bin file on the root of the sd card ( x:\filename.bin). I advise to ONLY power the craft and let the upgrade process start, once done you will hear a change of the beeps. The completion tone is DA (pause)... DA, DA. Once the craft is updated power down and do the TX. I use a freshly formatted USB thumb drive for the TX. Copy the same bin file to the thumb drive (x:\filename.bin). The upgrade should start after about 30sec. Once complete the TX light will turn from blue to green, upgrade complete.

I advise users to keep the bin file on the card. This allows all batteries inserted to be upgraded IF required."

Thanks Blade.
After the firmware upgrade, someone said to do an advanced IMU calibration, which I did. Should I re- cal the gps again? thanks
We discovered, on our two new Inspires, that we had to upgrade the firmware on the TX controller by putting the firmware on a newer USB drive and make sure there was no text files from updating the aircraft. At first, we couldn't get our TX's to take the firmware at all. However, once the firmware update was on a modern thumb drive, without any text status files, it installed immediately (after the one minute delay DJI publishes). Also, this meant going into the thumb drive directory and erasing (moving) the text file on the primary TX so the secondary TX controller could in turn, be updated. Worked like a charm 4 times in a row (two aircraft, two TX controllers each).
Can someone confirm if you have to remove the .TXT file each time you try to update a new battery?

Can someone confirm if you have to remove the .TXT file each time you try to update a new battery?


I prefer to copy all existing .txt files to my a folder on my desktop, so I have a reference of updates and problems to send to DJI and for myself etc. Then format the card, and upload the firmware .bin file into the card. Have had no problems with this method so far.
I have done it all,I cannot get the master RC to try and take the firmware from a stick form the original sd card and from the inspire camera connection and the DJIGO app
The inspire ,batteries and slave went well
Tried fresh formats,deleted txt new sticks old sticks nothing...need some sort od reset
I have done it all,I cannot get the master RC to try and take the firmware from a stick form the original sd card and from the inspire camera connection and the DJIGO app
The inspire ,batteries and slave went well
Tried fresh formats,deleted txt new sticks old sticks nothing...need some sort od reset

Have the same problem.. RC wont take the FW..
App say´s that I must use a USB-stick or Camera, but when I insert an USB-stick with the FW, it will not happen a thing.

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