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What other hobbies do you have?

my first

RC car. 23ccm and up to 50km/h of speed. got it when i was at the age of ten :)
other hobbies include the normal human like bike riding, inline skating, playing with my falmily (kids) and dogs, riding my jeep YJ, of course flying my multirotors :D

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I had a mk2 sandmaster i ran on my brothers fixed wing competition fuel. iIt used to blow full size cars away under 60 mph haha :D

Also another RC flyer here, Fly fisherman, 3d printing, beach combing, hiking, BMX/ Cycling and doing up old motors. Im currently restoring a LWB suzuki Sj that is just a tad more rusty than it looked initially :oops: And a 205 Gti when i can afford to finish it.

When you list the stuff you get up to like this it really does make you wonder how you have the time.
I add nothing new to the list of hobbies, but scoured the thread looking for a trebuchet hobbyist that competed, I think in Deleware sometime in Nov. for the nationals. I thought for sure this forum would turn up a trebuchet devotee. LOL
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Hmmm, 225 feet is no mere distance. My tests for accuracy of pistols is 25 yards, what phenomenal accuracy. I dare say, William Tell's son would surely allow you the apple shot. LOL
I love establishing and maintaining my aquariums. There's nothing like that feeling of pure joy you get from looking at a new or re-done aquarium. I enjoy watching my fish more than television.
Photography. It's a relatively "easy" hobby and when you take pictures it usually means you've never been to that specific place before. Keeps things fresh and new.
I'm going to pick up camping/hiking as a hobby. I operate day to day with a base level of stress that I think is way too high. I've worked hard my whole life to have a stable home and life for myself and my wife, and while I think we're doing a good job of that, I still have a lot of anxiety when I think about how fragile everything is. I have a never ending to do list, and when I'm not doing something on that list (like working on a hobby, or just sitting around) I feel guilty.
Mind you I'm not complaining, I understand that my situation is better than many. But my brain is firing away 24/7 and never gets a break even when I'm trying to relax.
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I think somebody had it before, but avid scuba diver here as well! I'm happiest when I'm 90 feet below MSL or 90 feet AGL ?
I'm going to pick up camping/hiking as a hobby. I operate day to day with a base level of stress that I think is way too high. I've worked hard my whole life to have a stable home and life for myself and my wife, and while I think we're doing a good job of that, I still have a lot of anxiety when I think about how fragile everything is. I have a never ending to do list, and when I'm not doing something on that list (like working on a hobby, or just sitting around) I feel guilty.
Mind you I'm not complaining, I understand that my situation is better than many. But my brain is firing away 24/7 and never gets a break even when I'm trying to relax.
Hiking is great for this, in my opinion. A good walk in the woods really helps clear my head.
I'm not active with it currently (thanks COVID) but one of my favorite non-work things is getting together with people to play old-time, bluegrass, and American roots music. Especially porch jams, potlucks, campfires, festivals, and other informal gatherings. I'm not usually a performer but here's a shot of me (upright bass) with some friends between old Christmas songs in Zoar, Ohio a couple of years ago.

Old thread revised... Hmmm? Looking forward & planning sUAV little business after Retirement of 30+ yrs IT... 3+ yrs counting.
Cycling, Weights, Shooting, Gun Shows, revamping old MacPros, learning video editors & 3D modeling maps, Road trips, entertaining & frustrating Wife! Humor in all... gotta laugh at yourself!

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